I am still looking for a space sasquatch if anybody needs to sell one. I had a connection but it seems to have fallen through. I really like the darker vinyl version of the ape. The Glitter is cool but ultimately, the darker one would be a grail for me. Anybody?
A.) You need to have at least 25 forum posts until you are allowed to post a want list B.) Play nice. Warned, official style. http://skullbrain.org/bb/index.php?threads/wanted-forum-rules.8149/
Akamatsu-san has posted some of the figures that he has painted that will be at Destroy All Monsters event held in New York Clutter Gallery on May 10, 2019. Spoiler: SHB
It is for his solo show. More stuff he just painted just a few days ago for the show. Spoiler: SHB More stuff from past releases that he is bringing for the show. All the items he is painting and the following past releases above are being sent to be photograph for a book for the event. And more stuff he painted for Steampunk event in Arizona this Month. Photos of Akamatsu-san in February 2019 at his warehouse looking for molds and organizing. And another show he has in Singapore in June 2019.
WHOA!!! Thank you for both the information, as well as the plethora of images, Anthony! For some reason, I was under the impression he was only contributing for a group show, but this is obviously way more awesome. Man, I both can and can’t believe his output. Phenomenal.
@JoeMan - I do not think there will be any Godzilla or Toho related sofubi for the NY Clutter exhibition.
Clutter had asked me to customize a small run of some Penetrator-X! Available now (https://shop.cluttermagazine.com)
Akamtasu-san posted this just a few minutes ago with the following description in english and japanese: A pictorial book for my solo show in New York is published. ニューヨークでの個展に向けた図録写真集の表紙が出来ました。