Clear - guts - tentacle!? The colors on these are quite spectacular in hand, and I am loving the hefty new guts and monster arms. I would love to attend one of Akamatsu-san's gallery shows some day, but for now I'm just stoked to have one of these pieces in my collection.
Some new dudes fresh out of the mold for the first time. This round features 2 by moi and one by @JoeMan View this post on Instagram
So cool seeing these new heads for SHB bodies coming to life. I couldn’t be more thrilled for Friday.
Anyone notice any blanks or was it all painted? I haven’t watch the video from above yet but I was just wondering if anyone saw any. I hope he does this more often. I wish I went for one (large bag) cause those seemed like the best stuff!
Here is my giant Well worth it. If you click through I posted pics of everything. A lot of similar/same stuff from the video posted above....and the video is a much better format than my little IG post.
Kazumitsu Akamatsu-san pieces from his exhibit this month that have not sold are now available on Monster Patrol Toys online site.