xSuicide Squadx
Last Activity:
Jul 26, 2024 at 7:11 PM
Apr 16, 2013
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Jan 8, 1986 (Age: 38)
Phoenix, Arizona

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xSuicide Squadx

Super Deformed, 38, from Phoenix, Arizona

Finally goin’ to be makin’/releasin’ prints again in visual collaboration with Paul Kaiju. Locally printed. Entirely stoked. Mar 7, 2024

xSuicide Squadx was last seen:
Viewing thread A Nag Pa I Root (NAGNAGNAG) and der Angora Patio, Jul 26, 2024 at 7:11 PM
    1. xSuicide Squadx
      xSuicide Squadx
      Finally goin’ to be makin’/releasin’ prints again in visual collaboration with Paul Kaiju. Locally printed. Entirely stoked.
      1. hellointerloper, animator and atease like this.
    2. xSuicide Squadx
      xSuicide Squadx
      Dying Fetus - Make Them Beg For Death: album of the year.
      1. qquuiidd likes this.
      2. The Moog
        The Moog
        Now that's a band name! Lol.
        Sep 9, 2023
      3. xSuicide Squadx
        xSuicide Squadx
        @The Moog Only followed closely by one of their heaviest songs, “From Womb to Waste”. Amazing band.
        Sep 9, 2023
    3. xSuicide Squadx
      xSuicide Squadx
      Twitching Tongues is one of the hardest band names, ever.
    4. xSuicide Squadx
      xSuicide Squadx
      Pilot Ace Harryhausen Cyclops above all.
      1. SpectralNight and animator like this.
      2. SpectralNight
        Pilot Ace. Gone too soon.

        I have a Medicom re-release of Ymir. But, Part of me still sorta wishes I had the Pilot Ace version.

        What other Pilot Ace toys do you think aren't getting enough love besides the Harryhausen stuff?
        Feb 2, 2023
        xSuicide Squadx likes this.
      3. xSuicide Squadx
        xSuicide Squadx
        @SpectralNight The Pilot Ace Gigan is my personal favorite they made. It’s just straight perfection to my eyes, in regards to a toy, both playable and collectable. The Dynamite series of Goji, Hedorah and Rodman are pretty damn wonderful, too. But the Harryhausen is usually when people gravitate towards most.
        Feb 2, 2023
        SpectralNight likes this.
      4. SpectralNight
        Damn, you're right about the Gigan. That's got a great flow to it between the arms and the feet. I never slowed down to give that one a proper look.Maybe the BEST vinyl Gigan, in fact.

        Yes, their '54 Godzilla is absolute one of the best out there IMO. Wish I had one.
        Feb 3, 2023
    5. xSuicide Squadx
      xSuicide Squadx
      Rest in Power Kevin Conroy.
    6. xSuicide Squadx
      xSuicide Squadx
      I constantly put myself into positions of having to shoot and edit so many photos that I overwhelm myself and get anxiety. For the love of.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. xSuicide Squadx
        xSuicide Squadx
        @eleggua Yeah, I’ve already got some complications from anxiety and other issues for a little over half my life. Ha ha. I just separate photography subjects into piles and get to ‘em one portion at a time. The initial “looking at it all” is what gets to me sometimes. But I still love to do it, and especially share!
        Aug 30, 2022
        eleggua likes this.
      3. animator
        I get the same way...big pile of stuff that needs drawing/doing/etc. Best way is, like you said, divide and conquer. Smaller piles are always easier. If it's something you love, it's tough because it's fun and exciting but also draining.
        Sep 1, 2022
        eleggua and xSuicide Squadx like this.
      4. xSuicide Squadx
        xSuicide Squadx
        @animator Fun and draining is completely apt. I think for me it’s the nuisance of setting everything up. I have particular lighting, angling, tripod position, etc. that if I don’t get it all done in one session I’ll be disinclined to tear down and set up again the next [few] day(s) to finish up. So I torture myself to complete the task!
        Sep 1, 2022
        eleggua likes this.
    7. xSuicide Squadx
      xSuicide Squadx
      So. Many. Photos. To. Edit.
      1. xHikix and Patrickg2k like this.
      2. Patrickg2k
        Can't wait to see 'em!
        Aug 1, 2022
      3. xSuicide Squadx
        xSuicide Squadx
        Aug 1, 2022
        Patrickg2k likes this.
    8. xSuicide Squadx
      xSuicide Squadx
      Brujeria is playing Mesa, Arizona on the 26th. De puta madre!!!
      1. eleggua, Urk and wingnut0 like this.
    9. xSuicide Squadx
      xSuicide Squadx
      I’ve been listening to Mayhem since I was 15 years old, and I finally got to see them perform tonight at 36. That was fun.
    10. xSuicide Squadx
      xSuicide Squadx
      Puttin’ a lot of toys in newly created threads that probably won’t mull over too well here, but fudge it. I wanna keep conversation goin’.
      1. hellointerloper
        Must admit they’re not all my cup of tea, but always enjoy seeing your photos.
        Nov 22, 2021
        Urk likes this.
    11. xSuicide Squadx
      xSuicide Squadx
      1. Waterbear likes this.
    12. xSuicide Squadx
      xSuicide Squadx
      I love talking about/sharing photos of toys here, but I am SO goddamn sorry for blowin’ up so many threads!!! D:
      1. hellointerloper, Bob and The Moog like this.
      2. The Moog
        The Moog
        Never be sorry for sharing awesome content ya doofus!
        Aug 11, 2021
        xSuicide Squadx likes this.
      3. hellopike
        Don’t be sorry. This place needs all the activity it can get!
        Aug 11, 2021
        The Moog and xSuicide Squadx like this.
    13. xSuicide Squadx
      xSuicide Squadx
      Summer Slime III: Sun of the Slime photos posted in the Muton’s Minute section!!! :D
    14. xSuicide Squadx
      xSuicide Squadx
      Hey. Even if I’m not into what you’re collecting, I’m very much into seein’ how stoked you are about what you’re into collecting.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. xSuicide Squadx
        xSuicide Squadx
        @Bob I lurk just about every thread here. I may only post in the same handful, but it’s just ‘cause they’re what I collect and know. But I still enjoy goin’ through threads and seein’ everyone geek out over the vast variety of toys. It’s just cool to know peeps are happy with what they’ve acquired.
        Apr 8, 2021
        IzzyRodriguez and Bob like this.
      3. Grindingmachete
        Totally agree. Sold some toys recently to make some room, seeing friends excited to get said toys made me excited!! Very happy with the outcomes
        Apr 9, 2021
        xSuicide Squadx likes this.
      4. xSuicide Squadx
        xSuicide Squadx
        @Grindingmachete Cool of you to go the way of moving the collection to friends first! I’m sure there were a lot of wants lists that shrunk just a bit because of your reaching out! Definitely a fun feeling to know you’ve made someone’s day, however that is!
        Apr 9, 2021
        Grindingmachete likes this.
    15. xSuicide Squadx
      xSuicide Squadx
      I don’t collect Ggml sans fight figures, but I’m always happy to see people get stoked pre - Lucky Bag, & even more so when they get theirs.
    16. xSuicide Squadx
      xSuicide Squadx
      Fink Shit is not a Hirota Saigansho toy.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. zindabad
        what else can I tag so the big man deigns to sell me a $1000 dollie? You're right, of course!
        Dec 18, 2020
      3. xSuicide Squadx
        xSuicide Squadx
        @zindabad Might have to start rippin’ his Instagram posts and diggin’ into them Photoshop skills!
        Dec 18, 2020
        zindabad likes this.
      4. Anti Social Andy
        Anti Social Andy
        Hirota's judgement when it comes to other peoples I.P. is 'fluid' at best!
        Dec 19, 2020
    17. xSuicide Squadx
      xSuicide Squadx
      So many of the early - mid 2000’s street figures utilized flippin’ the middle finger. I love it. Bring it back!
      1. Waterbear likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. xSuicide Squadx
        xSuicide Squadx
        @Paulkaiju This guy was way before my time, but I’ve read plenty about him. Please tell me this is something he actually wrote.
        Nov 19, 2020
      4. Paulkaiju
        hahah. No...the rap was me bringin' in the sick, and imagining this totally fictitious rapping collector. but he did say "Can't fade the Manimal". LOL. It was a whack time and people complain about now.
        Nov 19, 2020
        xSuicide Squadx likes this.
      5. xSuicide Squadx
        xSuicide Squadx
        @Paulkaiju I was gonna say it was pretty legit for it being a Manimal rap. I almost gave that guy credit!!! That rap should be a header disclaimer.
        Nov 19, 2020
    18. xSuicide Squadx
      xSuicide Squadx
      I sincerely hope everyone is safe, healthy, comfortable, managing and hangin’ on. That your families and loved ones are just the same. <3
      1. The Moog
        The Moog
        Sep 21, 2020
        xSuicide Squadx likes this.
      2. xSuicide Squadx
        xSuicide Squadx
        @The Moog Do I have to dread my hair and smoke doobies now?
        Sep 21, 2020
        The Moog likes this.
    19. xSuicide Squadx
      xSuicide Squadx
      Took a hiatus from posting images here/IG, due to the current social climate. But I’ve got a cool, collective 78 images to share soon.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. hellointerloper
        You don’t have to explain yourself. This is a really difficult time for a lot of people. I’ve had to stop reading the news because my mental health started to decline noticeably. I just read headlines now to keep up.
        Looking forward to seeing all those photos!
        Jul 5, 2020
        xSuicide Squadx likes this.
      3. xSuicide Squadx
        xSuicide Squadx
        @hellointerloper Thank you, Maddie. It wasn’t so much that I’m explaining myself, as it was putting it out there in relation to me personally holding myself to “right place, right time”. I hope you’re finding any sort of solace and break from the world burning. Lots is happening and being worked on now!
        Jul 5, 2020
        hellointerloper likes this.
      4. Anti Social Andy
        Anti Social Andy
        Image dump 'em all simultaneously and see if it breaks Skulldrain once and for all! . . . I double-dare ya!
        Jul 7, 2020
        xSuicide Squadx likes this.
    20. xSuicide Squadx
      xSuicide Squadx
      Who’s got a Twim Bomber Kid/Pumpkin Bomber that can answer a quick question for me???
      1. View previous comments...
      2. xSuicide Squadx
        xSuicide Squadx
        @Anti Social Andy Not sure if it’s a good thing or a bad thing for you, as I have no idea which side of the TWIM fence you sit. But I’m genuinely surprised! Thankfully, I’ll have a Suika Pumpkinhead Bomber by next Wednesday, so I’ll answer my own damn questions!
        Jun 20, 2020
      3. Anti Social Andy
        Anti Social Andy
        Always liked the TWIM stuff, just plenty of other stuff I liked more. Seems like it's slipped under everyone elses radar too.
        Jun 20, 2020
      4. akum6n
        I have the large size Trick or Treat TWIM Bomber Kid, if you still want to check on something. Just pulled it from the Halloween box.
        Jul 2, 2020
    21. xSuicide Squadx
      xSuicide Squadx
      I very much appreciate the board members that took the time to notify me of an eBay seller using my photo for their listing! Action taken!
      1. SpectralNight
        Had the same thing happen to me a couple times on eBay. 1 very recently. I contacted seller, and he took it down w/o putting up a fight. He had just done a google search and pulled it right off this forum. I felt a bit weird confronting him, but it just bothered me. I knew his auction *was* legit, his photos just sucked and he wanted some that were more "eye catching".

        Curious, what do you do in these situations?
        Aug 2, 2020
      2. xSuicide Squadx
        xSuicide Squadx
        @SpectralNight The guy I messaged actually did the same. Took my photo of a Target Smogon2 from these boards! At first he was asking me to prove it was my photo and made qualms about it not being copy written. Once I showed him my username here, and my IG, he tied all the images together, apologized and took it down. I always politely message the seller, but most times it falls on deaf ears.
        Aug 3, 2020
        SpectralNight likes this.
      3. SpectralNight
        Incredible how many people think everything in the world is just there for them to take. I guess part of the problem with my current photos is that I shoot them with a solid white background, which does give them a "solicitation image" look. Nothing to really distinguish it as someone's personal work. Still, if they'd just look at where these Google results were from, they'd know right away.
        Aug 3, 2020
    22. xSuicide Squadx
      xSuicide Squadx
      Infinity Glass Style Studio Shot infiltrates multiple threads again!!! (`∀´)Ψ
      1. nicholasfung and Spaceman Yells like this.
    23. xSuicide Squadx
      xSuicide Squadx
      Where are all the Mike Giant Toy Punks and Vinyl Junkies Screaming Pumpkins?!
      1. Anti Social Andy likes this.
      2. Anti Social Andy
        Anti Social Andy
        Back in the day I had to make the choice between the Mike Giant Toypunk dude or the OG Japanese vinyl Screwbiter Kun . . . it wasn't much of a choice! By the same token, back then you couldn't give the Screaming Pumpkins away.
        May 22, 2020
        xSuicide Squadx likes this.
      3. xSuicide Squadx
        xSuicide Squadx
        @Anti Social Andy I’d have gone the Screwbiter route, undoubtedly! That’s still one hell of a decision to make, though! The Screaming Pumpkin/Viking are rad, just one of those figures I’d constantly forgotten to keep up on in my searches. No better time than now to pick it back up! Would love to find the Toy Punk, as well. Love that design.
        May 22, 2020
      4. akum6n
        Probably piled in a bin in a Mandarake warehouse somewhere.
        May 22, 2020
        xSuicide Squadx likes this.
    24. xSuicide Squadx
      xSuicide Squadx
      Why are streetwear kids/sneakerheads obsessed with Be@rbricks? Nothing against ‘em; they’re fun. I just don’t understand the specific niche.
      1. hellointerloper likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. trueadrn
        i just think Nike was trying to figure out /recreate the success of Air Force 1 and Dunk, shoes that they don't advertise for or even change, but still manage to sell tons of mostly to "collectors". they sought this relationship with Medicom to explore collectors buying habits and ways to profit.
        Mar 22, 2020
      4. trueadrn
        Mark Parker just stepped down i believe
        Mar 22, 2020
      5. xSuicide Squadx
        xSuicide Squadx
        @trueadrn Makes total sense. And I’ve seen the Nike, Adidas, Stussy, Undefeated Be@rbricks, so I don’t know how I didn’t make the fan crossover connection just by gazing. My comprehension skills are awful!
        Mar 22, 2020
        trueadrn likes this.
    25. xSuicide Squadx
      xSuicide Squadx
      “You can’t set yourself on fire to keep others warm.”
      1. animator and Spaceman Yells like this.
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  • About

    Jan 8, 1986 (Age: 38)
    Phoenix, Arizona
    Straight Edge. Toys. Horror. Cats. Batman. Too many toy photos.


    Wants: Bounty Hunter | Obake Dogs | Target Earth | Bwana Spoons | Reckless Toys | Secret Base