The colorway in this one it's just amazing, but they use the Bullmark Hawaiian Hedorah colorway for this one? or it's just a coincidence
Yea, I ordered one but unfortunately wound up with the pink/green skull jinmenken. Blind bags suck. Will somebody please trade me?
Awesome Toy Jinmenken Holiday Edition Molded in Clear Red with Glitter and insert. Limited to 10pcs for each Skull and Human face style.
^^ Still don't get these. To each their own but if these were bootlegs...maybe..but regular production toys...meh.
I would imagine that in person have to look better. Personally I like the detail that has the hair of another color.
Fiji Mermaid sculpted by Gorgoloid should be released exclusively through Awesome Toy in less than a month.
Agree! But why so small. Don't get me wrong, I like small figures, but this just seems to want to be more standard.
A Limited Skull Jinmenken release painted in THEY LIVE Alien style. With custom painted doll eyes for the first time.
Blobpus x Awesome Toy “JINMENKEN” limited release Today SUPER FESTIVAL 70 (2016.1.10) In the Tokyo Science and Technology Museum, Japan Until now my favorite version.
“Awesome Toy x Obessed Panda “JINMENKEN” I really like the paint job on these two, it looks great and the curly hair also gave an extra kick; I imagine they are two evil beings.
It has it's moments, and small bits are pretty brilliant, but TBH it's kinda boring. Plus, Rowdy Roddy is no Kurt Russell.
new Bigfoot by Awesome Toy is looking pretty cool.. so many hairy n' scary gorillas to choose from these days..
^^ to be fair, they did say in their IG post that it's just a large resculpt of a vintage toy, so at least they are not claiming to be original with the sculpt.
does anybody out there have an image of the original vintage version ? side note: would love to see more bigfeet and less creepy mutts with spooky human faces.