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Feb 17, 2025 at 1:12 PM
Sep 28, 2015
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Sep 11, 1989 (Age: 35)
Piedmont, AL

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Toy Prince, Male, 35, from Piedmont, AL

Waits & honed. And sometimes frump. Dec 12, 2024

Smotemotem was last seen:
Feb 17, 2025 at 1:12 PM
    1. Smotemotem
      Waits & honed. And sometimes frump.
    2. Smotemotem
      Show of hands. How many of y'all don't own a single "vintage" piece? My oldest guy is from '92.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Roger
        It doesn't say where it's made?
        Oct 26, 2024
      3. Smotemotem
        I’m dumb. There’s a great big “Made in Japan” right there on the tag. My oldest toys are the ‘92 reissues of the ‘60s Bullmark toys. Forgive my ignorance!
        Oct 26, 2024
      4. animator
        This would make a fun thread. Show us your vintage toys if you mainly collect modern toys.
        Oct 31, 2024
        Smotemotem likes this.
    3. Smotemotem
      Just noticed that Funko almost never comes up when I Google “Sofubi” these days.
      1. SpectralNight
        We've shamed them into the shadows.
        Apr 28, 2024
        The Moog and Smotemotem like this.
    4. Smotemotem
      How hard is it to transition from painting Warhammer to painting Kaiju? For personal collection, not to sell...
      1. SpectralNight likes this.
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      3. SpectralNight
        You *might* get lucky with lacquer on some types of vinyl (clear and glow moldings could be more temperamental and be a huge mess). But if it’s enamel: that will almost definitely cause a horrible meltdown and leave a melty sticky mess forever.
        Apr 26, 2024
      4. SpectralNight
        So, yeah super risky. Would test on some flare trimmings first. But would mostly advise against it to be safe. I think it’s hard to find exactly what formulations are in rattle cans.
        Apr 26, 2024
      5. Smotemotem
        Thanks again! I’ll take no shortcuts. I have to decide whether it’s worth the $$$ to get the actual good paints (including clear coat), and keep far away if I can’t commit to that.
        Apr 26, 2024
    5. Smotemotem
      Still around. Just spending most of my $$$ on bird feeders these days. Miss y'all!
      1. The Moog
        The Moog
        Gojira themed bird feeders? They take the seeds out of his mouth?
        Aug 10, 2021
        SpectralNight and Smotemotem like this.
      2. Smotemotem
        @The Moog not quite, but I just did a quick Google search and found a zombie, a beholder, and a sasquatch.
        Aug 10, 2021
        SpectralNight and The Moog like this.
    6. Smotemotem
      What is the inspiration for the color scheme on M1’s Standard Blue Gamera? The Blue-Gold-Forest Green seems like an odd choice.
      1. zindabad likes this.
    7. Smotemotem
      Anybody here build model cities for your monsters to menace? Thinking about buying some N Scale buildings.
      1. hellointerloper likes this.
      2. xSuicide Squadx
        xSuicide Squadx
        A buddy of mine bought a decent amount of N Scale and uses them for his 1:6 scale figures. Sometimes they look a little hokey, even for toy’s sake, but more often times than not it looks pretty rad.
        Aug 19, 2020
        hellointerloper and Smotemotem like this.
      3. JoeMan
        When I was a kid I built one of the model railroad scenes with tunnel, rocks, grass, scale buildings. Wish I still had it.
        Aug 22, 2020
        Smotemotem likes this.
    8. Smotemotem
      Woulda saved a lotta money if I had decided to collect soft furbies.
      1. Anti Social Andy
        Anti Social Andy
        . . . or rocks, shells, beer coasters, pins . . . just about most anything other than overpriced, overhyped and intentionally limited Japanese soft-vinyl.
        Aug 16, 2020
        hellointerloper and Smotemotem like this.
      2. hellointerloper
        That’s why I also hoard bottle caps, at least those are free!
        Aug 16, 2020
    9. Smotemotem
      All things being equal, do you prefer to balance colors in your collection, or hard-focus certain colors?
      1. C E, Anti Social Andy and The Moog like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. C E
        C E
        Glittery lames are sweet too!
        Apr 23, 2020
        Smotemotem and The Moog like this.
      4. Smotemotem
        Thanks gang! There are several things I’m still after where I don’t have a clear favorite, so I’ll probably try to keep my colors diverse. I tend to end up with greens.
        Apr 23, 2020
        C E likes this.
      5. IzzyRodriguez
        I try my best to get a lot of variety of color but I am seriously lacking red, orange, and yellow in my collection.
        Apr 23, 2020
        C E likes this.
    10. Smotemotem
      Finished watching the Heisei era Godzilla & Mothra films. Is Bandai the only company that made DesGhidorah, Dagahra, & Adult Battra Toys?
    11. Smotemotem
      Stop tagging me in your Disney Cars fanfiction.
      1. hellointerloper likes this.
      2. Headhunter
        Is there porn in this Disney Cars fan fiction? Lmfao
        Mar 10, 2020
    12. Smotemotem
      What's the ideal portion of blanks to painted figs? If you had just one or two blanks, would it drive you insane?
      1. Grindingmachete likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. C E
        C E
        Blanks need protecting from vandalism. Ornament is crime!
        Mar 7, 2020
      4. hellointerloper
        I personally only collect painted... because if I collected both, I’d be broke!
        Mar 9, 2020
        nicholasfung and Smotemotem like this.
      5. animator
        I love unpainted toys, collect a ton of it...but think too many unpainted toys are being released in general.If almost half of a toymakers releases are unpainted, that is way too many. Keep blanks to a few incredible unpainted or marbled colors, but paint the majority of the rest.

        In a collection, I love seeing shelves of unpainted toys together. Especially in all of a single color, or really good color mixes.
        Mar 10, 2020
        smurph, Smotemotem, C E and 1 other person like this.
    13. Smotemotem
      Thanks, Kanye. Very cool.
      1. Urk likes this.
    14. Smotemotem
      The Pokemon "Palkia" is a knockoff of J-Tail Godzilla. Change my mind.
    15. Smotemotem
      Clipart is an underappreciated art form.
      1. TattooDougHardy
        Dude the maker of Crap Hound magazine has put out a book called The Crap Hound Big Book of Unhappiness and you would dig the most.
        Feb 18, 2020
        Smotemotem likes this.
    16. Smotemotem
      “I put my blood, sweat, and tears into it.” - Something you never want to hear from your chef.
      1. hellointerloper likes this.
      2. trueadrn
        maybe, but its better than spit and sea men
        Jan 19, 2020
      3. toothaction
        Yet, an actual kitchen phrase is, "You really put your foot in it!"
        Jan 19, 2020
    17. Smotemotem
      People keep asking me to play Dirty Santa. I just buy myself a gift that I don’t think anybody else will want. This year, I’m buying used.
    18. Smotemotem
      Now I love giant monsters, but I’ve probably seen less than 10% of all kaiju films. How ‘bout y’all?
      1. toothaction
        Does having seen nearly all kaiju films produced before '89 count?
        Dec 1, 2019
        Smotemotem likes this.
    19. Smotemotem
      What companies were making Sofubi in the 90s? Bandai, BearModel, M1, Marusan, that everybody?
      1. zindabad and The Moog like this.
      2. The Moog
        The Moog
        I think Yamanaya started in '98. Amapro, Nostalgic Heroes and Tsuburaya Communications were all active late 90's too. Medicom, but like Bandai they have a lot of stuff made in China, so is it strictly Sofubi? Sunguts started in 2000 so just misses the list.
        Nov 26, 2019
        Smotemotem and zindabad like this.
      3. Smotemotem
        Thanks Moog! I totally missed out on this style of toy when I was a kid, so I was wondering just what I missed. All my Toho toys were solid plastic, had dull colors, and had very apparent seem lines. I'm gonna throw Sunguts into the mix. I love his Godzilla sculpts.
        Nov 27, 2019
        The Moog likes this.
      4. The Moog
        The Moog
        Yeah, Sunguts is an interesting one. He started off making Ultraman type dudes, then his own original Kaiju plus original manga style characters, whilst also doing licensed Kitaro/Yokai. Then more recently, licensed Godzilla. He's multi talented.
        Nov 27, 2019
    20. Smotemotem
      He who loves [sofubi] will not be satisfied with [sofubi]; Nor he who loves [a full shelf], with increase.
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    Sep 11, 1989 (Age: 35)
    Piedmont, AL