Couldn't find an equivalent thread to the one in the vintage section for discussion of modern stuff that turns up in auctions, seems like there would be. Was anyone watching this Nostalgic Heroes GID Garamon mini auction? The end price is so appalling I had to post about it. I would definitely consider it to be pretty rare and of course Garamon is among the most popular kaiju, but still that's like 3 fiddy USD.
Re: Strange or rare MODERN auctions post here when they're o The nostalgic heroes garamons aren't really that rare and they usually are about 20-30 bucks a pop. I think the webstore still has the first version and there are 4 or 5 versions. Who knows why this went so hi but lord knows I've overpaid for a ton of items.
Re: Strange or rare MODERN auctions post here when they're o It took me 7 years or so to track the GID down, but yeah I paid $35 for it.
Re: Strange or rare MODERN auctions post here when they're o For what it's worth, I don't think sharing this type of thing in the vintage thread will raise any eyebrows. Although the YJA discussion in in the Vintage subforum, it is pretty cool to share any unsual things you see there [other, non-toy items have been posted too]. And this Gary is hardly offensive by any standards I would venture. But anyways. OKay, that auction is just stupid. Something must have been up in this case, because there is no way that makes anywhere close to reason. Like Bryce said, these are not rare at all. Sure, you might not see them come up for sale that often maybe, but a lot more frequently than other modern toys actually. They weren't limited by any low number, and aren't some exclusive. I have seen a couple come and go in the past few years. They are really liked maybe, so I would put a lot of the lack of resale on to that, but still, many of 'em arefloating around out there. And yes, 30$ is about the average I would say. Unlike say Buta toys, these have not inflated much over their new price, and NH always has stuff in their webstore for those able to access ordering within Japan. It just doesn't make any sense. Whatever, hope someone enjoys the heck out if it. Oh, I see that you were the one that won the auction Yuck. (Har. Har.)
Re: Strange or rare MODERN auctions post here when they're o ^Yeah I had to laugh at the winner's un. I've only ever bought 2 toys for more than $300, and only 2-3 more that cost more than $200. Luckily I am too patient to throw around money like that.
Wanted to share this auction for the sick, clear, unpainted Bemon Two-Headed Giant which recently landed at ¥256.001 and this seemed the best place to do so. Spoiler
Thanks for posting that ! I wanted to follow it but completely forgot about it ! This is one beautiful shiny piece of vinyl indeed... pricey but really nice !
The stickers have the run number, and which number yours is out of the run. If there’s a run of 10, and you’ve got the third piece, your sticker will be 3/10. I’m surprised this one hit YJA. I’ve only seen this in one person’s collection, and he’s not even a collector as far as I know. But he gets a lot of really cool shit from Honda.
@---NT--- ”Not For Sale”, you are correct! Kind of a bummer to see “Bemon Fiend Club” stuff go up for sale like that!
I’m not too surprised to be honest, a lot of people are hurting something awful thanks to COVID-19. Offloading valuables is usually what happens first. eBay is so saturated with toys right now, and I’m convinced it’s because of COVID crap. A lot of people are learning that their toys aren’t worth as much as they thought though...
@hellointerloper i guess I’m just surprised because 1) His inner circle is relatively small, so he’d be able to know who this is pretty quickly! And 2) With this not being a release offered to the public I’d have assumed those lucky enough to get it would simply hang onto it! As far as I know, this is new, as I’ve never seen a clear green before.
I am very ignorant on the subject, but could it be a Chinese bootleg? If I remember correctly in the auction description it said "Pachi".
@Alebrije The 2HBemon is by definition pachi kaiju, in the respect that it’s an unofficial toy made to (mis)represent a legitimate property, in this case the Ron Cobb Famous Monsters cover. But not in the “bootlegged” sense of being an exact ripoff of an already existing toy. This is definitely a legitimate Bemon release, it’s just on some friends and family shit.
This is why this forum is great ! To learn such small differences in words... Too bad i can't tell it to my friends who don't give a sh.t about toys
That last round of buta auctions was absolutely crazy! 209000 JPY 199000 JPY an all time record for standard size butas
Yep, the same seller dropped a load of Butas for short auctions, but of course I had my eye on these two in particular. Ending price is just bonkers though, I don't even understand what has happened to this hobby/market anymore; those sorts of figures are beyond speculation. I would scoff and just roll my eyes, if I was not so turned off by it all. Which is a sad thing to have to associate with Butanohana.
I haven’t been hunting buta for long at all, I’m curious how often these pop up for sale? I woke up this morning to try to nab Belial and was floored by the price of those astros. I knew they’d be out of my price range but geez...
Tell you what, I'll sell you my Blue Belt for an even grand. Ship's on me! How sad, and bananas, is this? It's gotten so that I have to actively avoid my favorite maker on the net if I don't want my mood going south instantaneously.
@brobles I think I've only seen the blue Astro come up 3 times (in 10 years) on JYA, and this is my first time seeing the green one. The Belial is just amazing in hand, sorry you were not able to adopt him . I was expecting the OG whale to go higher, considering that the "new" whale sold for +40000 jpy last month. Prices seem to be steadily climbing, but there are definite lulls from time to time. Didn't a Goldon sell for below 6000 a few weeks ago? I was surprised, it's definitely a nice toy! I'm with Stevie, I love buta, and Mr. O makes a point of selling them at affordable prices, so it's discouraging seeing them priced beyond the reaches of real toy appreciators.I don't think Mr. O intended them to be status symbols
Fun thing about the constant IG flexing is that I see this auction one day and know where it ended up pretty much the next