Thank you both! I was pleasantly surprised to see she was lickin' her chops when I reviewed the photo. Even as I'm typing this, she's headbutting my hands on the keyboard.
Well, your kitteh sure settled in quickly, he knows exactly where the action is at! What a prime shelf! Moar pleez.
Smooth criminal. Mr. Pibb Pibbs Kitty Kitteh Cat Gargamel Buta ButaNoHana Thrashman Thrashie S-Taiin Spaceman G-series mini micro SDCC Lucky Bag EVOM Vapor Face Vaporface
^ Staples from the '80s. Just a quickie display before I give them all a bath and pack them up for a move.
^^ You might want to wait until you get to your new place to wash your staples. They might get dusty during the move.
Bomb of the day. Mr.Pibb Pibb grody shogun owltoy Ultraman ウルトラマン monster otus owl Tsuburaya custom bootleg glitter
Aw, and just when I am here gushing over Ultragrody in the other thread, you go and pop off another excellent photo of him, with an entirely distracting cutie in it!! Lovely subjects all, and I do get warm fuzzies from your kitteh 'bombing' shots.
Any advice on keeping kittens from knocking toys off of shelves? My girlfriend is picking up a pair of cats in a couple of weeks and I'm starting to wonder if I should just bite the bullet and finally invest in some nice glass display cases.
Well, it will probably depend on the cat, and, if they are still young, you might be able to curb any jumping/climbing behaviour....might. But I think holding out for a separation of kitteh and state toys might be a losing battle. Maybe just accept that they will love your toys as much as you do, are incredibly curious*, and get a carpet to put underneath for those inevitable 'tumbles.' * there is nothing like tell a cat, or a child, not to do something to make them curious about wanting to do it, and you will get just about the same innocent look when you catch them in the act
I guess I should have figured as much. Welp, can't wait to post pictures of the new poop machines terrorizing the toys.
^^^Hmmm... you're lucky you can display your toys out in the open! H&E attacked some of my cheapie toys and left puncture marks all over the place So that's why ALL toys stay in boxes and bins until the display cases are ready (a century and a half years from now.... )
Just get the glass cases. Fewer knocked-over toys. Less screaming at the cats. You get a nice toy display. Everyone wins.