ha! your time stamp proves you are in fact from the future or have access to a time machine? please please please let me use the machine for i few days, will return i promise! LMK btw thats a real cute poochie! my fav so far is that 1st post tho. really looks like that cats gonna #@%@ that lizzard up!
I'm lovin' the Daft punk figures in this picture. Who made them?, are they medicom RAH's? Takes me back to summer 07', watching them in Hyde Park. Now that was a gig to remember forever.
Your both wrong, the date stamp on my camera has been f'ed up for about a year. no matter what date I lock in, it changes like every 3rd picture. The pic was taken in Sept.
^^ probably something along the lines of... please give me the treat in your hand, so I can stop sitting next to this thing.
My alpha cat Nodame does not mind the toys and actually enjoys being photographed. Nodame & Lucha Bear Nodame & Big Mountaintop Dhani and Nodame meet Booska
Hot on the scent of blue frosting.. Little does she know his head is made of toxic chocolate!! View this post on Instagram
I love it. The perfect non-plussed catitude (something you know I can relate to ). All those Godzilla movies and the king of monsters is defeated by a furry nemesis failing to even evoke a reaction to his attack. Option 2) "Where is the start button to get this thing going? Giddyup!"
Hahaha, love that shot, rattanicus. Great toy and cat too. I've tried so many times to take a photo of a toy with my dog, but she's terrified of them. She doesn't like having any objects (besides hands and food) near her face or body for some reason... If I try and take a photo of her with my phone and go too close, she'll turn away. One day I'll catch her off guard.
Thanks! It's a pic from a few years back; ol' Rawley left the planet about a year & a half ago. He was an amazing cat
Aw, what a little cutie. She looks like quite a youngin' still, but quickly growing into her body. Such a wonderful and curious age. She seems right at home now. Glad the toys are out giving her a warm welcome.