Nice, i forgot all about this. I think they did a history of a few of the RxH figures, if i recall correctly. It helped me out a few times.
A few more . . . . @badteethcomics Hone Borg Mutant Head Shinto Gangu Gatchigon
Ah, those old things... I went back and cleaned up the Gatchigon article a few years ago, and added one on the Stryker Lock collaboration: Gatchigon Stryker Lock After I made these, Google seemed to change the way image links from Photos work, so these may end up being re-homed at some point. Still not totally happy with the database format either. My ultimate goal was to get a database of all post-Mook releases up until 2010 or so. I should get back on that before the old websites disappear and I forget everything.
Love your catalog! Alas, my only option has been Flickr but that future is uncertain because Verizon bought it.
Contributions like these make this hobby fun! I miss the RxH fighters but glad they are retired for good (hopefully) and how RxH moved on with a new direction and collector base.
Don't forget that there's some red releases too. Thanks for updating this though. Your site was always a great reference for past RxH.
Fair enough, its a good thing Mori caters for many different tastes. Plenty for everyone (if you can afford the secondary market prices!! )
Thanks for the reminder, I do need to update for the DCon releases that came after the initial waves. I think the red was a DCon version, as well as the release in Hades colors. Maybe there was a grey too?
Also glad the OG is seemingly retired at this stage. Just too much volume kinda diluted the magic of the early sculpts/paints IMO. With all the stupid customizing, the OG are still getting culled here and there. Thrash Out RxH for the win IMO, classics that will endure among others.
Always preferred the original fighters but even more the minis. I've never cared for the adult figures. Something with the proportions, too thin, the arms are too long. Funny how the hype for the adults has taken off, even in just the past month, with some heads fetching nearly a thousand dollars. whle many fighters and minis remain less than original retail. I guess all those new guys don't care about anything that existed before they came along.
I don’t actively collect anymore so I don’t watch the prices. However I preferred skullbrain when all the hypebeasts stuck to KId Robot and they thought sofubi was “ugly”. Yeah
I will always love the OG MZ figures, but I am glad that RxH continues to change and explore new ground. The new collectors seem to prefer certain RxH figures over others. I don't think it's necessarily the case that they only want the new hot stuff. Shintos and Cyclos both blew up for a while, and finally calmed down a little. I suspect most of the new collectors are from other Asian countries, so it seems like those designs might resonate more with them than the others. For myself, I don't have much interest in the new sculpts or releases. Something about the style and color selection just doesn't grab me in the way that the older figures still do, and certainly not for the current prices on the secondary market. If there was a way to buy them at retail (Japan or US), it might be a different story. But I think that ship has sailed.
Far too many dark colourways in the past few years... although I have been seeing some brighter options coming up in the past few weeks. There was a post last week from a regular at Mori's shop who mentioned that the new Xenomorph style character would have an international release soon. Not sure how or when.. could possibly be talking about an international exhibit? An international order system would be amazing.. surely the volume sold would allow Mori to afford to hire some help to handle packaging and shipping. Even a blank lucky bag release would be a fairly easy optiion.. the number of combos possible would really make the lucky bags fun.
There was a post last week from a regular at Mori's shop who mentioned that the new Xenomorph style character would have an international release soon. Not sure how or when.. could possibly be talking about an international exhibit? An international order system would be amazing.. surely the volume sold would allow Mori to afford to hire some help to handle packaging and shipping. Even a blank lucky bag release would be a fairly easy optiion.. the number of combos possible would really make the lucky bags fun.[/QUOTE] Its a catch 22. A few years ago, the relentless releases, easy availability and larger run size nearly killed RxH. RxH found its rhythm back, let Mori run it his way. We criticize hype but it is also what is need to keep sofvi interest alive. There are just too few real fans in this very niche hobby.
This has already been tried several years ago. Dedicated website and intermediary translator to smooth the process. Unsure what happened but it didn't last long!
Ahhh yeah.. was it Don who was looking after that? Maybe he got too busy with his own stuff @Anti Social Andy - sucks it fizzled out. If I recall correctly, there were two releases. One consisted of four painted figures and the other had Chaos Troopers. I grabbed a copper Chaosman X from the first release for a whopping $90. There were also releases on the Glyos page back then too. I just looked at Mandarake. How are these figures hitting 80,000 yen now?!? These aren't even the (typically) high-price fetching collaboration ones either.
Because a few years ago Mandarake started taking the piss, and they got away with it for so long its become normal. I think they probably saw the ridiculous prices on YJA and thought, what the hell. Yep, I'm pretty sure that was it.
I've always thought that some Japanese toy makers are not too bothered about international sales. They enjoy the odd trip abroad selling at festivals, and have fun meeting foreigners, but essentially the language barrier is too much hassle. Even with Don involved, the international site died a death very quickly. IMO, Mori makes a decent living from his Japanese fan base alone, so maybe he just finds selling outside of Japan a hassle. Sure, i bet he's very flattered by all the non-Japanese fans who love his work, but they are essentially 'Gaijin'. He doesn't need to sell abroad, so he doesn't make a big effort to do so. He obviously enjoys collaborating with different nationalities, making new toys is fun, where as international sales is more hassle than fun, maybe. Mori has never struck me as a guy who is money driven, or a guy who craves attention from the rest of the world. He's in his own toy making bubble, with a very hometown perspective. He's very Japanese is what I mean. I remember buying toys very easily from the Uamou website back in the day and wondering why I couldn't do the same with RXH. Same goes for Sunguts and Bear Model. I'm sure they could of easily found people to help set up a simple international ordering website, but they never have, after all this time. Which is why I think some Japanese toy makers are not bothered about foreign sales, no matter how rabid the fan base. When I started collecting RXH, there were always plenty of stuff on Lulubell or Rotofugi to choose from. Over the years that choice has dwindled to virtually nothing, even though the toys always sold well. Why is that? Its not because those shops decided to stop stocking RXH I bet.
With social media being so accessible and prevalent, a lot of overseas artists garnished even more attention and sales locally, and I think it just eliminated the need for middle peoples and shops. I do miss gettin’ them boxes of retail stock RxH into the shop. Those were always fun reveal days!