"Some versions of the Chaos have eye color variations. For example, the old orange Mutant Chaos was found with both blue and red eye variants, although the blue seems to be far more common." I got the all orange with red bandana and red eye, I wonder if this is the same one. And yeh the new sculpts are pricing me out but I've found a renewed love for the older pieces.
Is it a solid orange or clear orange bubble vinyl? The quoted post refers to the old solid orange painted Mutant Chaos.
Damn you're right it is the bubbly one. The only solid orange i have is a mutant head with black eyes and creme/white highlights on the orange. I think I might take advantage of the market right now and track down some of those older pieces.
I just received the recent RxH Gachapon set in the post. I was assuming the Neko and Hone Suke were the same as the originals. Wrong! They are between half and three quarters the size. They are also solid sofubi, rather than the usual hollow finger-puppet style. In fact i'm not sure they are sofubi, they are possibly a harder type of plastic. I will post a size comparison photo when i get a chance . . . Its a cool little set, very good quality for the size of the figures.
Coolest Chaos I've seen in a while.. View this post on Instagram View this post on Instagram View this post on Instagram
Ha, I admit it, I am totally digging that Toxie tribute. Plus, as a true bonus homage, I love that the eyes on heads shown are completely wonky in an individual sense. Not a RxH collector by any standards, but I would happily pick one of these up in person. I am guessing it could end up being a limited run, given what is shown here.
Little vid found on youtube.Apologies if it's already been posted. Crazy that Mori and Gota-san are still in the game.
More of the Gachapon set, with the size comparisons. The Hone Suke is pretty much the same sculpt but smaller, the gachapon Neko has its head tilted up a bit.
Great set. It's awesome that RxH continues to evolve (much like secret base). So much energy from Mori. Love it.
I know real head and pds collab on figures and since there is no punk drunkers thread I'll ask here. So does anyone know who sculpted the Punk Drunkers mazinger toy for the go nagai 50th anniversary? It's so warped and I like it but the aftermarket prices are of course absurd. Cheaper to buy a round trip ticket to Hawaii for the week.
I really want to grab one of these elongated RXH but it seems like something far too expensive to get into right now. Maybe I need to just lockdown a mule.
I found a facebook post with the original sculpt you are referring to. I'm assuming if you contact the people at that page they may have a more accurate origin to the figure. BTW you crazy cuz that shit is expensive lol. https://www.facebook.com/1017972331...797233194416/1539591929414932/?type=3&theater
Biotron! that looks wicked,the background is amazing too.Any ideas where it's from?I see a Takara logo on the top right panel. edit...the back drop is the Henshin Cyborg base/lab set
Hell yeah. If only I could find literally any of it under 2-3x original price but yes, absolutely. All the Skull Toys collabs especially have to be some of the best stuff I've seen so far; the triple-faced versions of Demon Osu are just badass. Sadly that stuff seems kind of a while away for me, but until then I've got my first RxH figure coming in the mail
Anyone else seen this Nextman? 1000toys x Real Head articulated action figure. Not really what i collect but it looks pretty cool. You gotta give it to Mori, he's never one to rest on his laurels. Dude is always busy. There are two others lined up for release I believe.
Toy Pizza made that happen, dope collab. 1000Toys should be doing a collaboration with Onell Designs (Glyos) as well. I'll bat for 1000Toys any day, articulated figures aren't everyone's thing but the quality and engineering on their stuff is top-notch
Stumbled upon this little "History of Chaos" blog post while searching for something.. pretty nice little write-up with dates and release info for a bunch of the chaos sculpts http://robotxmonster.blogspot.com.au/2009/10/realxhead-chaos-family.html