I would love to see the return of the magazine too! Brian, you could even write features and show photos of your collection, i.e. the complete Inazuman, the complete Tiger 7, etc... er... are you still contemplating mini rotating museum of your toys in the store at some point? (yes, this is a subtle pester )
Well in April there was an article that was 50% written. So hopefully that will be completed by December. I doubt it will come out in 2012, so 2013 would make it 6 years since the first mook.
I have the original mook and find it indispensable still to this day, but an updated version would really be something I think a lot of people would be down to pay for, and obviously S7 feels the same way. Very cool to know something is coming. I'm down for a magazine return too, even if it were quarterly like Hi-Fructose or something, it'd be amazing to have that stuff back.
People would be down for? Yeah..It was supposed to come out in 2007 but has since been delayed year after year.
What about a Mook that contained the best articles from the magazine? What articles would you want to see reprinted there?
what about a mook with all the previous issues, without the new toy and cool clothing stuff- just all the articles that made the magazines.
haha yeah- i just left out "the best articles" in place for all of them. i personally would just like all the vintage articles- but im sure others would prefer fight figure stuff etc
I'm with you, Michael - reprints of the vintage articles would be great! An English language translation of Yuji's book would be most welcome, as well. As long as we're dreaming
How about releasing the one they've been working on for five years instead of starting a new project?
Good point... TO THE TARDIS! Sub note: Hmm... as of 2062, still a work in progress (and Brian Flynns beard is reallllly long).
i've now been through 6 different addresses since the first mook came out (8 if you count staying with my parents for a month and a friend in boston for 2 months).
Don't we have enough vintage collectors here to make our own mook? Speaking specifically vintage- I know we certainly have people with the toys, more than capable photographers and writers, and lastly very knowledgable collectors. It would be quite an accomplishment to get something that covers vintage A to Z, in English with beautiful photos. I mean I'm sure there are designers here that can do layout. Maybe S7 doesn't have the time?
The mook happened to cross my mind today... I don't like to think about it much, because I'm one who paid $40 for a promised two volumes five years ago. Not a lot of money, but on principle, it stinks: imagine if you bought a pair of toys in the BST, and the seller only sent one, then dropped communication- never did any kind of follow-up thereafter. Super7 accepted my Paypal payment for the subscription, so they have all my contact info, and yet I don't ever recall seeing an email to us would-be subscribers offering updates, a partial refund or other compensation, or even a "Sorry- it's never coming!" Occasional, teasing updates in this thread don't really cut it. I like skullbrain a lot, and I appreciate Super7's provision of this place... but the mook situation for subscribers must be called what it is: completely lame.
That is lame Mike. I'm sorry to read that Not to mention if you did go on the attack and inquired, a few days later we'd all be subjected to some ridiculous uber-morality post from Brian about taking the high road and all the pseudo intellectual BS that goes with it.
I think it's safe to say that all of us here, to a one, have experienced paying for something from an individual and never receiving it. It's fucking lame, there's no defense of it, no moral high ground to take. When a company does it- a company that continues to operate real and virtual storefronts, advertise and sell goods and, most galling, continues to steadily develop and release new product, it's even more lame. Someone in Super7's employ should have seen clear to step up on this issue and truly communicate to subscribers a long time ago. Super7 accepted $40 from each of us over 5 years ago for two volumes, has delivered one to date, and has NEVER issued an official word about it directly to subscribers. EDIT: Instead, we get a single sentence from Brian Flynn on 6/27/11: Anyone wanting a refund is gladly refunded. Sorry, trust me, I want it out more than you do. Wow- I wonder how the folks who ordered who aren't skullbrainers (or skullbrainers like me, who gave up on checking this thread years ago) are expected to get this information? And I wonder when exactly this offer became effective? Two years ago? Three? Was it publicized in any other fashion at all? On a handmade sign in the store? You see, without direct communication from Super7- which would be real customer service on a long overdue order- we just don't know, do we? END EDIT The first mook is a slick, gorgeous product. Would I have paid $40 for it? Probably not; $30, maybe, and that brings me to another point: it was an act of good faith for us to plunk down $40 in support of the new format, sight unseen and with little to no preview of the content. We trusted in Super7 because of the high quality of the magazine, but still, we took a chance... and in return, we are getting shafted. I boggle at what the rationale could be- are we expected to just be okay with it, because the powers that be at S7 think that we got our $40 worth with the existing mook? Are we truly expected to just wait however long it takes? I know that the production of the first one entailed more than S7 expected it would, and I respect and appreciate the palpable love and care that went into that volume. If only the same love and care went into their customer service on this one. It would have been great to receive an email saying, "Hey subscribers, we're so sorry for the wait! We'd like to present you with two options: you can continue to wait for the second mook, but please understand that we have no solid idea of when it will be released... OR we welcome you to take $__ off your next Super7 purchase." That would have been a very respectable move... three years ago. Instead... we've seen throw pillows, tens of new toy releases, t-shirts, the highly trumpeted (and surely pricey) development of the Alien line, etc. I would truly love to just be happy for S7 and cheering them on (and I assure you that I used to) as they fight the good fight in our weird little corner of the art/collecting world. I can't do that though, to any degree, until this customer service failing is officially addressed and an attempt is made to do right by subscribers.