This year, after SDCC 09, at some point. Sorry to be vague but I promise to be more specific as soon as everything is confirmed.
so this mook will have a (complete) gargamel release listing in fashion of the secret base and rxh of the last mook?
I'll definitely pick up the new Mook, but it's really too bad there won't be a continuation of the Real X Head cataloging... I dunno the story behind that parting of ways, but it's really a shame.
The way RXH has been releasing stuff recently I don't know if one mook would be enough for an update. Also wiith the earlier stuff there was a lot more mystery about what had been released and where. The releases were so hard to come by people hadn't seen good pictures of them all. I think most of the newer stuff gets covered here on the board, so that mystery doesn't exist to such an extent anymore.
Also, the point of the mook is to focus on different topics eash issue, not just expanding what the previous mook covered.
Good points mondocoyote. The first Mook was very helpful and will always be a great guide to "early" RxH but at this point a comprehensive catalogue would be a book unto itself. I still love RxH but there's so much more to J-vinyl ... at this point I think a lot of people would appreciate more information about Butonohana, Shikaruna, etc. I enjoyed some of the other features in the first Mook, like the old header and movie promo art and the vintage toy info. Gotta know your history to appreciate the present state of the art. It'd be great if we could get an informed update on the status of the current one. Even if the news is that we'll have to wait awhile.
I agree, RxH was in the last mook. Let's see other companies like Butanohana, Shikaruna, Gargamel, M1 etc etc....
Oh man, good point... I would LOVE to see some Butanohana. I'm just 'discovering' Ultraman, and keep eyeing up the Buta interpretations of some of my favorite characters.
Coming Fall 2009 2 years in the making, the second Super7 book is a comprehensive guide to Japanese character toys A-Z, as well as in-depth articles on those changing the face of the toy industry past and present with Gargamel, Itokin Park, Tim Biskup, James Lavelle and Keiji Hirota.
I've been long confused about the Mook in the sense that I thought I had paid for a subscription of two being that I got the one with the slip cover and we were supposed to get two a year. Of course things get postponed but is it right that there was a quantity of 2 subscription and this next one would be the second for those that did purchase in this manner? Hope that made sense. Thanks.
I would assume that's the case. I did the same thing (subscribed for 2, got the slipcase one and then this would be number 2).