i forgot i had a subscription until i saw this thread. and now i have no idea if its covered or not. sheesh.
Hahaha yeah me too. I think I'd need to change my shipping address too when/if this thing ever gets shipped. I've lived 3 different places since I subscribed.
I would think our subscription would still be valid since it included 2 Mooks. Well at least I'd hope so.
I feel confident S7 isn't out to screw anyone over. I think you guys will be covered. Also, can I say how stupid excited I am for this to come out?!?
august, 20?? With the advent of them thar tablet deals, I'd almost be happy to see a digital version come out...with multimedia elements. Which I can help with if that's something to consider
The last word was "a few months" from December 2010 but the reality seems to be August or beyond?? Give a little credit to a very loyal (and patient) fanbase, especially those who have paid subscriptions way in advance. I think most people have accepted the delay of the mook and just want to know a ballpark date of when it's coming, or at least some updates on what's going on. Stating a release and reneging is just frustrating...
super 7 is about toys not books, cant blame them if things taking a little longer. honestly dont fxxking care when its coming. guessing the longer it takes the bigger it will be... tension rising!!!
Yep, pushed back again, no good way to put it other than it gets bigger every time. Anyone wanting a refund is gladly refunded. Sorry, trust me, I want it out more than you do.
still prefer the magazine format but mook vol.2 will be worth the wait. would be cool if it could include a special omake figure from S7 or a mail a way offer for say an Official S7 Bemon release..