Here is the head I made with the Good Head Goons project. I'm floored with the results, and love seeing the variety that everyone made. Huge thanks to Luke for coming through on these, I know it was a huge endeavour.
Wow both of these look amazing! I can't wait to see mine now... Hoping soon! but understandably it might not be.
Ah, screw it, I'll post mine too, be gentle.... Man I want to see the mold for ungawa222's, heh. Them teef.
Agree, all the sculpts I've seen have been fantastic! I've been kind of out of the game for the past year due to medical issues. Parkinson's can be difficult to deal with at times. Things are better now so seeing all these in vinyl is absolutely amazing!
So far they’re all really good looking. Wish I had taken the plunge, but I can’t sculpt worth a damn. I’m excited to see how you guys paint them and what bodies you build them with!
Honestly it took some extra time and i know some are still waiting, but in the end it came off well, the included bodies was a very nice surprise. Very happy/sad (the horrible event) package to get.
So strange, I've contacted a few folks, Luke is obviously busy so he's not responding, but it seems nobody knows what happen to my head. I went back through the groups and can't seem to find myself anywhere... I watched the live with him unboxing it, it was approved, I've spoken to Luke many times via dm and vid chat. I've been on his lives. I seem to be lost in limbo lmao! Heck he even requested I send him a larger version of my head which I did along with another gift, we were on a live with it also. So weird. I'm hoping it shows up in this last group.
Oh man... sorry to hear this... I hope you get some word on it soon from Luke! Hopefully it made it in, somewhere...
Yeah I was a bit disappointed but I've got faith it will all work out Luke's a solid dude and we've been friends for many years now. I'm sure he'll get back to me soon enough or someone will.
here's our head for good head goons. Thanks to Lulubell!! The hard work of Amy, Luke, and Yuki made this happen. everyone's heads came out great!! It's such a bittersweet time. We just had an amazing videochat with Amy a few weeks ago with plans to talk again soon. Then we received our heads and were celebrating the huge milestone of GHG coming to fruition. Then she was stolen away tragically. Still in shock and disbelief. Can't believe she's not here. She would love seeing how pumped everyone is about their heads. This is dedicated to Amy.
Yes, what happened to Amy was wild! reality hitting our toy world is just crazy. Regarding my toy head I would post my pics but I don't have the patience or the know how to write code. lol.
You can upload them to Imgur and give us the link if you want. Always cool to see more noggins. It’s definitely shocking, I can only hope that Luke is doing okay after this tragedy.
Luke is down in Mesa AZ right now in the states. Last I heard he was flying in, going to Kozik's memorial and then heading down to Mesa. I wanted to head down to say hello since I only live 11 hours away but I haven't been feeling well and I've got doctors appointments scheduled. I don't want to be sick traveling around. Hopefully he's down there long enough for me to make a trip...
Wild? I fully understand different people process violence differently and death differently. But what happened was beyond comprehension. It was disgusting and she has children that will be forever impacted.
I think it's appropriate, he lives and works in Japan, and he pulls his own stuff in Japan. I would also move Science Patrol to japan toys and Shirahama should be here too, I think he is though.
@bryce_r , @The Moog You all correct it, I should not used the word wild to describe what happened to Amy. What happened was sad, shocking and terrible to hear. apologies you all. I meant no disrespect.