Congrats Sanjeev. This is one guys that I too have admired for a long time. Next to a classic '66 Gamera, the Daimajin [toy] is one of the main reasons I started to collect sofubi. I too was blown away by the movie, and the first time I saw figures from it, I had to have one. In my early naive days of collecting I shelled out quite a bit of money on re-issue versions that I was told were the original (what, you based off the original...?) Now that I am older and wiser I still appreciate the reissue versions, as it is generally all I can afford, but getting hold of one of these guys is still a lighthouse on the horizon for me. Really awesome that you snagged one, and in very decent shape too. Congratulations!!! Excellent shots too by the way.
Hope you guys will indulge me. One is not a collection But thought this is a great place for reference in future. Here's Marusan Ultraseven 12". Can anyone confirm that this was made in 1967? Thanks.
Well, CT says '66, but keep in mind Bullmark repro'ed this in '71 as well. Doesn't say the date on the foot stamp, huh? Bummer on overspending on repro's, but yeah, don't sleep on those toys. I love the different colors M1 used...especially the red one. Also even though I forgot to photograph them together (future update? ), Ricky hooked me up with a modern Marusan statue-form Daimajin. Pretty killer...makes me wanna built a paper mache mountainside diorama that I can slip these figures into!
Thanks for the info, Sanjeev. Yeah, no date stamp on the feet. didn't know there was a '71 release. At least it still come from an era where we were running around naked totally uninhibited. I've waited for a repro of this for the longest time. Marusan finally doing it. But is there a fully painted version? I pre-ordered the unpainted version- grey head red body.
Oh, I don't know if there's a fully-painted fact, this is my first time hearing of Marusan repro-ing this toy. Very cool--I really like what Marusan's doing these days with coordinated unpainted releases and other nifty shit. And, hey, we all gotta start somewhere, man! Collecting vintage tends to be very, very rewarding...
Ok this topic has been dead since JULY!! I'm sure some folks have added to the collections, I'm going to get the ball rolling again.. Here is a shelf set-up I did a few weeks ago.
that such a nice set up... god i love both these companies and all these early pieces i just never really set the bank roll in that direction... at some point i'm gonna need an old school Megalon though
kanegon is pure comedy. Need me some mikuras or miclas too. these are very nice arrangements. Any chance on getting a whole display shot?
Here are the vintage shelfs for Diceone I have a few more things not on shelfs yet. I will take another photo when I set things up.
Zazahn. AMazing! Really nice stuff man. Vintage Bullmark and MaruSan is so beautiful. I had a couple Vintage Bullmark pick ups from Zakka Yesterday.
Is Zakka still in Dumbo? I was in NYC about a month ago for the first time in a few years but didn't even try to find it figuring the store would be gone because of the economy.
Sadly, yes Mogera lacks a nose. Any advice on repairing? Should I? Shouldn't I? YES! Zakka is on Plymouth street between Jay and Pearl. Take the F to the York st stop. Or just catch a cab... or go the super romantic route and walk the manhattan or brooklyn bridge. The reason I bought these pieces from them is that they've sat there forever and I love Toshiki and his store and want to make sure it stays open. It's a long standing NY indy store.
Haha, we have you hooked now Lixx, welcome to the world of vintage torture Just a taste, I promise....
Yeah I'm slowly drifting towards vintage anyhow. I like modern vinyl (obviously), and I'll always keep tabs on companies like Butanohana and M1, but the lore of vintage is calling pretty hard. At least when I get back on track financially. I just started saying to myself: "Most of my collection is reproductions! Why not go for the real deal?"