Bert, those Baragons are gorgeous. Did Marusan make that glowie one? Or is that M1 as well? Geekabilly, that Ebira is amazing...puts me in the mood for some lobster!
What a great Baragon collection! The Toygraph really helps the visual fun of the set, glad you finally got it!
Love the Giant-Sized Bullmarks, and this Baragon is great (But where's his Tower?). Bullmark Giant Baragon
Sorry..but when I purchased the big guy, the seller did not have a tower to go with him. Still, he is a good-looking vinyl and I was happy to add him to my collection. Anyone out there have an extra tower for Baragon to play with?
I Was really tempted to buy one 2 weeks ago from a seller in Japan on ebay, but pulled back. What a beauty!
Hmmmmmmmmm...I always wondered why Baragon had that wide toothy smile. I guess that you learn something new every day.
Just got organized with this today... I've never been particularly good with displaying my toys (with the possible exception of the glowies in the past)...but this one genuinely makes me smile! I recently got a Y!J haul with some Toho Bullmarks I've been meaning to nab for a bit. Including the mighty Megalon (more on him later)!! There's a shelf right at the top of my stairs that are pretty much PERFECT for these I get to enjoy them every time I walk by! Now, can you spot the impostors? The original plan was to put all my Toho Bullmarks up there, along with classic-style non-Bullmark vinyls to complete the Toho pantheon. Guys like the Amapro/Marusan King Shisa, M1 Titanosaurus, M1 Manda, Marmit Frankenstein, M1 Gaira and Sanda, and maybe a couple others. But as you can see, I'm pretty much outta room already!
cool stuff Sanjeev...really like the big lobster thing (I forget his name) near mecha godzilla, I only have the miniature replica myself. it's a different monster from the orange one (also cool) over by king ghidora, and that one's name is ebirah or something like that, right? I'm getting pretty forgetful anymore. also...mothra perched on the mag lite gave me a laugh...I have a blue one myself but that red looks great!
Wow now thats impressive! Nice work Sanjeev, been wondering what you were using all that loot from the GID army for. I prop that out, selling the new for the old. Ive been doing that slowly for the last year or so. Impostors? Well JJ and Mecha G are the obvious ones what else?
Good to hear from ya, John! The big lobster dude is Ganime from "Yog" or "Space Ameoba" or whatever ya wanna call that movie! Great flick. And yup--the orange one is Ebirah. Puts me in the mood for some Long John Silver's! Heh...I might need to pick up a blue Maglite...just for Mothra. Believe me--I was psyched as shit when I found she could perch up there nice and stable (I always keep my flashlight at the top of the stairs for accessibility)! Axolotl, you spotted one of the impostors! Nah, he's a repro. I may pick up an original someday, but I'm not all that committed at the moment. I just have him there to harass Mechanikong...and, of course, to help fill in the showa Toho cast. And XVivaHateX, you caught the other two: yup, JJ is obviously M1 (picked up from a fellow board member!) and the M1 MG I got for a song on eBay just as a stand in until I can afford a legit one (notice how I didn't put the matching Iwakura "Bullmark Legend" figure with him!). But, yes, all that glow cash is going to a good purpose. And, finally, as promised...Burumaaku Megaro
wow, you have very busy jeevs ! beautiful collection of classic vintage toho kaiju. congrats on that megalon.
Awesome collection sanjeev, wow. Loving this old Baragon, especially the pebbled/orange peel skin textures...hmmm
Thanks, guys! I know this is gonna sound almost sacrilegious, but I actually prefer the standard Baragon to the giant-size. Something about the face--the ST is cute and cartoony, but somehow less doofy than the giant! To each his or her own, though!