sanjeev going way down the vintage well. Congrats! Now, just jettison the die-cast and join the dark side!
Great choices Jeev! Makes me really happy to see your scores! I got a giant Baragon in trade, and i decided to clean it and it was full of dried mud and grass.
Great job with the set-up Sanjeev, love how you've filled every little gap with a Bullmark Replica mini!! If you had to pick a favorite...?
Mmm...Bullmarks...and grass... Hey, Dr. Who, you catch the Daleks and Cyberman on the shelf below the vinyls?? As for a favorite, it's pretty much impossible. It's like choosing a favorite child! Haha...for real, I basically take a different kaiju down from the shelf every week and just take him with me wherever I go. They all get equal face time!
Yep, awesome collection! Good answer by the way, they should all be favorites (otherwise you wouldn't have bought them right?). I do love that big 'ol Goji though...
This pic has been haunting my dreams, literally I wake up in the middle of the night and have this in my head. I'm officially on the hunt.
wow smoking pics Jeev killer lineup i will one day add the hedorahs to my day hmmmmmm
Thanks, Mike! Definitely appreciate it. Be patient...and Hedorah will come. I meant to post earlier, but is that Rory's KR collection, Adam?
I assume, I'm not sure if "kr" is Rory or not never talked to him. I'm seriously going to start focusing on the KR Villains they have seriously started taking over my yja searchs, well them and Astro Mu anything.
It's not much of a collection and I posted this in the "what you got in the mail" thread already, but I figured I'd add a pic here of my first vintage Bullmark toy: JIRASS. This sculpt is one of my favorites so I had to go ahead and take my first step into a larger world!
That Jirass is awesome. Honestly, I always preferred that sculpt (sans frill) to most other vintage Godzillas (except for the Bullmark giant size, the Popy "attacking" midsize, and a few others). The colors on it are great, though. Congrats!
I totally agree. That Jirass is one of my favourites, and your version has great paint on it. I am definitely going to pick one up soon, just trying to find one in my price range that still has a bit of colour left to him too. It is amazing the range of prices on these vintage Bullmarks, given minute condition details. I especially love the gold tones around Jiras' eyes and mouth.
Thank you both for the congrats. I'm really happy to have this guy! I'll have to take a better pic at some point too. Hopefully for my wallet I won't find myself wanting too many vintage toys, although I already have my eye on my next big want...
Wow! You can say that again!! I've never really liked Jirass but this one is really catching my eye. It's beautiful.
Wonderful Sanjeev! Great story behind it! I know you've liked him for decades but have you been looking for it for years too?
Thanks, guys! Nah, they're fortunately not very rare. I only started looking for him in earnest maybe a year to six months ago. Passed on a couple because they weren't in the "right" condition for me. Thing is, they DO command a decent chunk of change (~$400ish) because of demand.