that little guy is the loaded gun... and to me that's the appeal, he's a conversation starter. but then again the types of people who i let in my home are not going to freak out about a ridiculous toy or any of the other "questionable' things i have in the archives. well, they can.. but we'll burn that bridge when we get to it.
They're definitely confusing toys. Maybe they make more sense to someone who grew up watching the shows, but chibira-kun + robocon + random WWII stuff doesn't have much meaning to me. Still makes a neat looking set of toys though.
The USA is huge, in some regions you might actually make new friends with that toy. On the other hand invite some people from ex Soviet Bloc countries into your home (for example) and let them see a swastika prominently displayed. Some may not care others might take great offense and/or mistrust you (think you are a closet Nazi). Its not an issue of political correctness so much as not reopening old wounds. How questionable are your archives? Any authentic shrunken human heads, polaroids of murder victims, necklaces of human ears or the like? Nazi symbolism isn't that extreme but you must be confident those you let into your home are some kind of bizarre fascist libertines. As much as I dislike the imagery some people will take great offense and others won't, often depending on their own moral compass. I don't need the aggravation of figuring out, after the fact, that they hate Nazis more than I do. The symbol is still aesthetically poison as far as I'm concerned.
My Jewish side of the family would laugh at it, even the older ones. No, WWII was no joke, but they can either still fear it or see it as a joke (the swastika on a little kids toy) if used in a joking manner (like mel brooks movies.) I think this is less serious so most with a brain and who know me (the only types of people i allow into my house) would get it's just some weird crap and giggle than when I'd say "it's some weird japanese toy" they'd say "oooohhh crazy Japan!" But seriously some wouldn't, just no one I'd have over, and it's my house so if they don't get it I really don't care if they choose to be ignorant after I explain it. I don't expect anyone to be interested/excited by it, nor do I expect outright fear and horror. I expect a "WTF?!?!" and than a conversation (because that's what I do with people at my house.) The appeal to me isn't that of a "loaded gun" but rather the combo of childrens toys and something as extreme as the symbol. It's like a Ramones song come to life.
Every once in awhile Ukranian's will visit, I wouldn't consider leaving a swastika (even on a toy) near those people. There's simply no telling how they'd react.
Yeah, to each their own though (not just opinion but situations.) I totally understand where someone would be coming from. On those vintage ones, I've seen them before but guess I just didn't connect the dots, so obvious too!
when i referred to the toy as "a loaded gun", it was due the fact that the symbolism is so confused... Buddhist swastika in a Nazi fashion on what essentially looks like a lovable retarded kid [huh?], that it would start a debate... one about symbolism & re-appropriation, art & politics, an intelligent though baffling conversation to be sure, and i could have it 100 times with the types of people i let in my home... artists & free-thinkers, mostly [bizarre? definitely. fascist? absolutely not. libertines? perhaps, but free, responsible people don't need society dictate their thoughts]. though i think that many of them would take more offense to the gun than the toy... but they'd all love to talk and/or laugh about it. i like absurd things... basically, and that goofy little bastard is one of the most absurd things i've seen lately. there has been alot of talk about that one toy offending people... but what about all these toys we discuss here? unless the only people you let in are toy collectors or you have yr collection locked away where no visitors can see it... the toys period may change the way some people feel about you or even offend them. it's all a discussion/argument to some folks, just try explaining the 50, 75, 100, 200+ dollar price tags... to someone who is having trouble paying for food & shelter. don't even try to tell them about the smog monsters made of what are considered by many to be environmentally questionable materials... they may not see the irony. and if yr American, be sure to stay away from the idea that some scholars believe the Japanese obsession with the cute [hello kitty] & grotesque [kaiju] is a way to reconcile the scar on the national psyche left by America dropping the atomic bomb, people could think you are supporting mutant terrorists. so it makes no difference, someone is always going to want an explanation, and toys, books & art, can offend everybody in some way, shape or form. which is both powerful & sad... because those are things that bring joy to my life in an increasingly vicious world. but probably the most powerful & sad thing about all of this is that a 3,000 year old symbol got stolen from numerous cultures 60 years ago... and so many people aren't willing to let those cultures have it back, they just let that sad little failed artist win.
I'm using a different email/name/address from now on, this dude has GOT to have something against me. That's like 12490125021395720395 lost Garimpo lotteries now and only 2 won. I mean, I'm cool with it, I would have only wanted 1-2 figs from the set than split it, but still, one can only be rejected so many times before crying like a baby who thinks they're entitled to junk!
Just noticed they all have names The mushroom could girl is called = Mama Drippy Scientist guy = Papa Green dog = Poti Nazi kid = Syujinkou
I would be happy to take a set off somebody's hands if they have second thoughts on it. *que violin music* I lost the Lottery despite waking up at 7 am to send in my request.
Yup, me and a few of the guys went in and scored. All I want is Mama, cant wait ! I think it was the combined group toy karma that allowed us to score
if anybody scored a set & does not want the swastika boy,,please get in touch...i would take him off your hands..