I like them in this order most: Glob Head Girl Ice Cream Drippy Guy Reverse Nazi Youth Robo Brain Dino These are kinda cool, sucks they're in a set like that, seems like there will be a lot of "who wants to go in on a set and split em?!" deals going on.
Whoa, that chunky and huge? I assumed they'd be no bigger than a Zag no smaller than an Ojo Rojo. If they're really that massive I'm WAY more interested despite not being able to swing the price.
As big as a zud huh, that does change things as far as price goes. I suppose for that price its not so bad now. I must say though, the one that looks like the girl with a dress that looks like a mushroom cloud with face I want. My favorite of the bunch and if anyone decides to go for a set and wants to split it up I may be willing to grab that figure.
I would only honestly want Globby-Girl and Swatsi-Boy (as I'm now calling them) in the case anyone else would want the other 2. It's not like there's any gurantee of getting a set with the ol' lottery system, but just putting it out there.
I like them all but Mushroom Cloud Girl has to be my favorite. I would take any one of the leftovers if someone wants to break up a set lmk.
I was browsing through a vintage book and found this set. I like the dog and woman version from Zollmen better, but like the two other guys from this set. I can't read Japanese so I'm not sure what the description says. Anyone??
Wow, cool. I've seen a bunch of vintage figures from the show (all for big $), but never those one. ohhh.... I've resisted the vintage temptation so well... I give up... I'm doomed.
these are kind of amazing, but at that size (not to mention price) I would never buy them. Still, good on Zollmen for continuing to fly the weird flag. The swastika is in the Buddhist direction (you see those all over Japan) but appears to be angled Nazi-style, & paired with an ambiguously German-looking helmet.
I couldn't display it because I'd need to explain ancient Asian symbolism, that the real swastika rotates to the left (the other path; signifying evil intent), that the symbol was misappropriated by the Third Reich, and then I'd still be left trying to account for the helmet and pseudo Nazi youth uniform. A loaded large caliber handgun left lying on a coffee table would be far easier for me to explain away than that toy.
Not so much so in the USA. Me displaying that toy would upset certain people I know a lot more than if I were to casually leave a deadly weapon lying around. Its rediculous but genuinely true.