@akakutsu - Welcome, excellent first post. Beautiful toys, and congrats on the Red King. The Anguirus and Varan look wonderful as well.
@akakutsu Yes welcome! Thats a hell of a first post. Nice to have new content on the vintage side. Great stuff, love the red king.
@deafmetal Beautiful specimen Mark, I don't think I've ever seen a Bullmark version with this amount of silver coating before.
Not so much a mail day but all my purchases from my wedding/honeymoon in Japan (Gorosaurus was my wedding present from my wife). When I look at it now my haul doesn't look like much but some of the minis are really tricky to find so I was really happy in the end. I actually found it so much harder this time round to find vintage bits I either needed, wanted or were a reasonable price.
@djkemp some nice pickups. The gorosaurus looks to be in great shape. Really cool bromide cards also. With prices being what they are now I think you did great.
@rattanicus, @poysntixels Thank you guys! I am very happy with the figure, the truth is that the paint is in very good condition, it only has a few small chips on the spines on the back. Thank you for your words!