Echoing @obsessedpanda and his sentiments, directly with the “King Joe” Mecha Mole Tank, I am absolutely gaga over this toy. From the presentation, to the execution, to the playability, everything about this little juggernaut is just awesome. Also, until Mikey had revealed it to me, I had no idea the Cicada Man pilot extended from the pilot seat, or that there was a hidden cannon behind the drill. Just adds *that* much more playability to the toy itself! I still think the debut red version with the blue and silver sprays reigns supreme. Spoiler
Man, I gotta admit, I am liking this brand more over time. I think it's really the packaging. Right now the only package I keep out on display is the M1Go Godzilla trike and Uzumark, but if/when I get the tank I'd likely put it right next to it.
Yoiko's box style for some accessories is very good too. They all fit together, because they're all ripping on the same stuff
...and 10x more fun in person. Huge thanks to @xSuicide Squadx for helping me get these for Dcon. They were a hit, as they should be.
you see that a lot currently. people skip over the classics and miss all the homages, i even see folks referring to designer toys(whatever you call the genre) as sofubis and neglect the rich history from prototype to finished product. but everyone starts somewhere lol
i wasnt takin a position just an observation hehe this hobby is the best worst thing ever to happen to me and my friends
@zindabad You jest, but Jonah is actually quite the renaissance man when it comes to vintage! I can’t speak so much to Ian’s collecting habits, as I have no idea what they are. I think them starting with Maggore was intentional for dipping their toes into toys as a form of therapy for Jonah(as I’ve explained on page one somewhere), as well as getting their chops. And now that they’ve got their footing they’re more or less making what resonates with them a bit more as collectors, which happens to be vintage!
Having known Jonah personally he isn’t as knowledgeable as he portrays Definitely a false prophet. Me and the wife did the translation work on the boxes though, hope y’all enjoy. Ian - the painter is a champ.
@skaldavsatanssol Ah! To be fair, though, it’s mainly my perception from which I derive my outlook. Even still, newly into vintage or not, he’s into enough to still execute something as fantastic as the Mole Tank and Kaiju trio, which is something I can absolutely appreciate. And a HUGE tip of the hat always to Ian. I have consistently been left in awe of that dude’s painting skill and ability right out the gate!
You can almost get Cicada Man in an alt mode on top of the drill, but the long stand he's attached to prevents it. Can't remove enough of that without cutting into the sculpt sadly. Still, if they retool this in some years it would be a cool addition.
The suspense is killing me! Good luck to all who are hoping for sherbet moles! p.s. @zindabad , that would make a great wine bottle stopper!
Alas, no magical email of toy goodness adoptions here Congrats to the boardies that do manage to snare the Sherbet goodness... PHOTO BY PAUL KAIJU! Please post pics if you got 'em, especially that snazzy mole tank!
@Mr. Humphreys Gah, I’ve been so spacey lately I didn’t even think to bring this here, even though I’ve seen every step of the process! Thank you for bringing this here, Grace! Paul did a phenomenal job with these, as I knew he would!!! That Mecha Mole Tank should be displayed in a jewelry case, it’s so damn pretty. So happy this collaborative project worked out so smoothly.
I'm amazed by Paul's sense of color. Dangies, he's gooooooood! My eyebies practically fell out of their sockets when I first saw them on his blog! You're a lucky witness. Funny how all uber cute and colorful toys make me think of delicious candy. These are delish!
This set was a surprise gift sent to me, by Paul, for the minimal hand I had in facilitating and originally middle-manning the collaboration between TTT x PK. They’re labeled as test paints, and they’re phenomenal. Paul’s handy work perfectly highlights each of these sculpts, and I feel like PK’s ingenuity on top of classic sprays, mixed with the fresh breath of new character renditions built off of classics by TTT, is a match made is sofubi heaven. Thank you, @Paulkaiju!!! Spoiler