Is it too early to start speculating whether or not we'll have summer slime in-person this year? I feel like an outdoor event like this will be pretty much fine as far as regulations, it's just a matter of whether or not the artists involved will think it's worth it without having sdcc as a secondary draw for folks. I'm just tryna give myself something to look forward to
I remember Bwana and/or Rampage mention an in-person event later this year, somewhat recently. I assumed it was some kind of Summer Slime-esque thing. I'll try to dig around and find the comments. Edit: I searched a bit. Can't find proof but I swears it...
Bwana mentioned it in a recent email saying that it would be his first in-person and travel event since the pandemic.
Fingers crossed for something..Definitely some fond memories of just enjoying the company & good time out in the backyard, plus delicious tacos & toys galore!
FOUND IT, right here on the dang board, d'oh! It was Rampage in the Five Points thread in March: So who knows where or what it might be, that's definitely what I was thinking of though. Not the same as Summer Slime obviously but it's somethin.
Hm, the last time I saw those three fellas together it was here in Portland, but they could be meeting up anywhere...
Bwana, Chris, Ainsley and I have a group show scheduled to open at Spectra Art Space in Denver on 8/20. I’m planning on being there, and I’m sure it’ll be a colorful and enjoyable display, but who knows what the situation will be like. I’m mostly going so I can get away from the east coast and into the mountains, but hopefully libations and toy chats are a thing too! Can’t speak for the other dudes (and dudette), but they had mentioned attending as well if possible. Summer Slime has been discussed a bit here and there. Nothing firm yet.
Here's hoping for a Post Covid Summer Slime. The Creature Bazaar show that got cancelled right as the pandemic got roaring was going to be incredible. I imagine we'll get something special once things really normalize. I prefer these more than DCON where I need to wade through so much BS just to get to the 4-5 artists I'm really interested to see.
Slime molds are starting to spore, with prevailing winds spreading them to Orange County in early August. Stay tuned!
Got my rsvp in super quick, I wonder what the capacity for the event is? So fucking psyched, it'll be great to see everyone. Back to normal little by little.