Re: SDCC 2013 Fans of The Oatmeal can pick up free signed prints from him, since he wasn't able to secure a table and isn't 'allowed' to sell merch there.
Re: SDCC 2013 anyone else plan on going to to the godzilla experience? its free, but online tix are sold out. the legendary booth will more tickets everyday of the con, i think you just have to stop by.
Re: SDCC 2013 Isnt the whole Con a Godzilla in slo-mo type of experience? Slow moving, lumbering, smelly and crushing - as one navigates the hellish halls it would be relief to have a giant leathery foot stomp down to either clear the path, or stop the pain...... but, yeah, its all so great! Im up for it - lets DO IT! You guys want to hit up the Last Hurrah release party as well. Who can say no to Semtex Vest???
Re: SDCC 2013 I don't have twitter/instagram etc so if anyone is taking pics can you just message me to where I can follow and see pics? Thanks all and have fun.
Re: SDCC 2013 I think pretty much everyone is using instagram now: So far
Re: SDCC 2013 Would one of you dudes, be so kind as to snap some shots of the Monstock offerings at Lulubell and post them up. Very curious as to what they are bringing along.
Re: SDCC 2013 ^ ill do it tomorrow for you. Today i saw a painted fish guy, and some unpainted pink & black toys like a boot with eyes.
Re: SDCC 2013 How bad is the smell? I swear to fucking Zeus that Right Guard should have a booth at this thing every year giving away deodorant. It should be mandatory. That and bathing would be nice. Maybe some toothbrushes and toothpaste Oh and Andy, everybody knows you don't have any friends
Re: SDCC 2013 Who's going to Paul kaijus show? I'm driving down just for that. Couldn't get any sdcc tix.
Re: SDCC 2013 what is it about SDCC that makes people think they can forgo basic hygiene? or is it something that eludes them year round?
Re: SDCC 2013 They did have these a few years back. I couldn't resist buying a couple. Love that piney scent!
Re: SDCC 2013 ...holy crap Dago! God damn yr a boss for all the help you give for people standred and unable to attend!