Re: SDCC 2013 toysrevil just posted about a cool little vid. of the cosplay this year.
Re: SDCC 2013 There was a fella walking around with Fabreeze. it didn't help. Good seeing everyone I saw, making new friends, all of that lovey dovey stuff.
Re: SDCC 2013 Also finding a new nemesis as well right? lol Awesome meeting you Shawn (aka NotNate), hope too see you again possibly at NYCC.
Re: SDCC 2013 NATE! I didn't see you after all the chips fell. Hope you snagged some great stuff. Great meeting you and the Mrs!
Re: SDCC 2013 Hahaha!!! Yo Shawn & Heng, remember when this guy passed by us in front of Gargamel and Super7's booths? Guess it turns out it really was him. LOLOLOL ... nston-mask ... -981286470
Re: SDCC 2013 Thanks for reminding me what the other mask was! I was trying to remember but couldn't for the life of me. I remember seeing them walking together and thought that was pretty cool, never realizing that was Bryan Cranston under the WW mask.
Who is going? Although Pushead will not be there this year, still will be a nice event to hang with fellow brainers. So far haven't seen nothing spectacular for SDCC other than PK and Super7 stuff. Looking forward to see more exclusive releases soon.
Nm, taken care of. NO SDCC for me but might be down for the weekend anyways and try to hit something saturday night.