The translation read something like "I don't want to break" - maybe he's burning out a little bit? He's been pretty relentless for years now..
I'm told Mori's more of a chocolates-foot-massage-a-belly-rub-and-a-box-full-of-puppies-kinda-guy, you might want to adapt your strategy accordingly.
So I asked Mori about this yesterday and he said that this will be his last dcon, it’s too much work. I’m sure the move to Anaheim is what out him off. So straight up fuck all of you that are so happy that it’s closer to Disneyland and all that blah blah blah shit. But he also said that he will be doing pop ups in the US next year so that’s rad.
Cord Viper will be at DCon this year. He could just keep going to DCon... I don't think Mori-san's decision necessarily reflects the others' choices. I still expect PDS/SkullToys to keep coming to Five Points/DCon. But I guess only time will tell.
Forgot to mention he said he will also be there. I mentioned you are really into his toys and showed him your ig.
Its funny how hyped the market is nowadays. I have been off the grid forever but when cord viper came out no one was particularly hyped on it. Now anything rxh is flipper country i guess...
Yeah, retail his stuff sat around collecting dust longer than most. I think the scale of his toys didn't fit easily into people's collections. I love my Ghost Slider, but i never did buy any of Viper's toys even though i did like them. I think the hooded guys might of turned a few people off too. There was a clear with glitter that looked great, i recall - it seems like a long time ago! What was the story on Cord Viper again? Didn't he work for RxH? That's why they did the Ghost Slider isn't it? Anyone know?
Really bummed to hear this is been his last Dcon.. Not that I've made it to his booth before literally everything was sold out for the last 2 years but theres always that little glimmer of hope.
Yeah the hooded figures are definitely my least favorite, He didn’t really catch on until his latest figure the death tracker, it’s really only that one and the machine sider that flip for 3x retail. The others stay pretty close to retail. I still think the Viper Kamari Ninja is his best and better than death tracker, And yes they are small figures.
I think I would have preferred Cord Viper's smaller figures. I originally didn't realize he seemed to do very similar toys in two scales, since the pictures looked identical to me. I had the regular size Machine Sider and at it's size, I didn't really have anything else that it displayed nicely with. But, I do think I would want to maybe get some others. Like Moog, I am also curious on what the relationship is between him and RxH.
I think it's actually supposed to be code viper, but the name was mispelled. Ive seen that spelling used placed like Mandarake.
So bummed that this will be Mori's last Dcon, as I can't attend this year. I've never been able to actually introduce myself the past two years because the booth was so swamped. Oh well, guess I'll have to meet him when I make it to Japan someday.
Well this is all new to me. I'm very happy to pick up my first Chaos Man and 3 tanuki color ways from him. Sad that this will be his last Dcon though.
Was a success at RxH booth for me, even though I did not score the top wish list alienman, I was able to get a GID sumo and Nextman. More importantly I was also able to get a pic taken with Mori and had him sign my fav bootlegman. It's a bummer that he will not be coming to Dcon anymore, but hopefully he will have future events in the USA for fans to have a chance at his toys. The staff that was keeping order in line did try to stop some of the resellers, and I do appreciate their effort in keeping things as fair as possible, and giving the real fans a chance against reseller groups with multiple proxies.
I have images of people being dropkicked out of the line in my head now. Hopefully they did just that.