Don't know how helpful this is, being in a different part of the world, but in my experience the Nagoya store has been cheaper or comparable to Tokyo stores. Using EMS to Oslo, Norway these are prices I have payed for shipping on recent purchases (containing 1 standard size figure): Nagoya: 1,560 yen Nakano: 2,200 yen, 1,335 yen Cocoo: 2,200 yen, 2,600 yen
C E, thank you for the info. If everyone can please keep my pending purchase a secret I would really appreciate it. I don't want this grail snatched away from me, especially at such a great price.
Just had a box from Buyee shipped via FedEx. It has four street figures in it that I’ve been sitting on for forever, and came to about $57. Had I not had a shipping coupon to use it’d have been $87. DHL would’ve been $10 more, and I normally would’ve gone that route, but the expected delivery time had “- - -“ next to it. So I didn’t know if that meant delays. I was hoping the FedEx option would’ve been cheaper, which in a literal sense it was, just not as substantial as I’d had my fingers crossed. Regardless, I’m appreciative of the shipping coupon!
Had a toy sitting in the buyee warehouse since September. Paid on Sunday, shipped yesterday, received today! Edit; I should mention, I used the new FedEx option.
Ah, crap, I just applied for package consolidation at Buyee and realized I didn't ask about that shipping coupon. Is it too late to use it? If not, where do I get it? It's not listed under My Page > Coupon.
the package consolidation is somehow funny.... one might expect to get a single package with your 2 toys but you get a package with 2 individual packages and the toy inside... Not so friendly for the environment...
Other folks have told me that they were able to get their Buyee packages opened, emptied, and put into a smaller box. I request it every time, and every time they never do it.
I only started experiencing that a couple years ago. It used to be that they consolidated them in a way that actually made sense.
@Roger You’ll apply the coupon when choosing your shipping method after consolidation. To get the coupon itself you go to My Page > Coupon > click on any of the unclaimed and you’ll have a button that takes you to the option to claim it! As for the opening of your packages and being put into a smaller box, they’ll most likely do it, but you’ll have to choose no packing plan and e - mail their customer service with your consolidation number to specifically request the action. There isn’t an inherent option to click for such an action. In the event that you have done all that, I’ve been told they’ll sometimes ignore it because it isn’t standard or a general option.
Hmphf! That is good to know, thanks for sharing! @Madmax405 , can you place real-time bids on JYA Auctions, or do you have to contact them and have them place a bid? Do they require a "cash upfront" deposit before making the bids? Thanks for sharing!
Ok, I did send them a message again asking them to open all packages and put all items together in one package. I told them that nothing is fragile, everything is metal or keshi. I tried that thing with the coupons, I never got the shipping one. Maybe the window to claim it is gone. It's okay.
They typically won't consolidate items where you choose plans with purchase protection. They feel like repacking voids the protection of the plan you selected. I've had this conversation with them before. They will do it but it helps if you say something in your email that you waive any protection secured from your purchase plans.
yup, not surprising there! Hoping that Madmax can chime in. Still looking for a decent deputy service.
@Roger Yeah, just as I mentioned earlier unfortunately. The same thing happened to me when I tried to have the items removed from their initial shipping boxes into a new one. I had already chosen the standard plan and they couldn’t adhere to my request, as it’d put them liable to anything damaged. Even with the permission given to remove ‘em for smaller consolidation I could make a complaint against them, simply because the standard plan was chosen on paper. Couldn’t blame ‘em for stickin’ to protocol. Hopefully it can be done next time! Keep an eye out for those coupons, too. As for my FedEx box, it was shipped on Monday and hit my back porch on Wednesday morning. Just as fast as DHL, and about $12 less. Street figures are safe and sound!
Yeah, I'm sort of in a haze this week so you guys have probably been giving me good information, and I appreciate that, but it didn't land. Everything is totally good, though. My last message from Buyee, pasting it here because I'm sure all of this will be forgotten in another week:
Buyee users: just used the service for the first time recently, and have something in their warehouse, ready to ship. Has anyone selected the "Add Protective Packaging" option, and if so were you still able to select FedEx as your shipment method thereafter? Thanks in advance!
@ungawa222 I’ve never selected the Protective Packaging option, so I’m not exactly sure what that entails or consists of. But every box I’ve ever had sent to me was so tightly packed with air packet material that nothing budged in the box a centimeter. Their customer service is fantastic, and there’s a chat option as well, which I’ve used and is great!
got my first buyee via fedex. pretty smooth and much cheaper than DHL. I believe Fedex might be changing their rates soon though.