How about a detailed description in text only, underneath a spoiler tag and spelt backwards just to keep things on the DL @Fig Belly
Unpainted black means there could be a thrashout version! Nice bag. In the past when they did bako there was usually a different figure variant in other bags. Time will tell.
Thank you @Spaceman Yells! That Bako is a beauty! I was kind of hoping to see some other minis than vendor bots again, but the translucent/transparent ones are pretty nice.
So the TO color mecha zag will be a retail bag? No!I hope to see a blank full guts mecha mibora in my LB!
Get the feeling my hopes for a GID guts Mecha-mibora are lessened ...( Maybe still a chance for gid Mecha-zag ) ... but if there is a Thrashout version of the Mecha - mibora , does that mean the blank black is a standard chance figure ? And is the Bako gid? Nice touch that vendor bot has a pilot ...
If they ever put in a full mecha with guts i think it would be both extremely rare and unpainted. They were $700 at DCon, and only a few made.
Yeah ... I know it would be unpainted and a rare pull. It just seems that the time has come to offer one in the LB .. fingers crossed.
^ Yes, potential of an unpainted glow bako. I love the vendor bots, but understand that 3 years in row is a lot. I would love to see some painted versions.
I'm wondering about the TO Mibora. Last two year's TO figures didn't have an unpainted black version, did they? Just trying not to get my hopes up too high on that.