Thank you!! Updated the master list, also it should be editable by everyone if anyone wants to update it while I’m asleep
Thanks @hellointerloper I added legs vs. treads info to the vendor bots. Last year we saw both variants. Hey @Fig Belly how similar was your bag to this? So far all I know is you got the Bako.
Sigh ... seems unlikely any blank GID guts mecha-anything will be in bags. i'm making some guesses = Black blank Mecha-Mibora OR Painted Mecha-Zag... (these are the only 2 Mecha figures in any bags?) GID blank Bako OR Painted GID Bako Painted Zag OR ??? ??? OR ??? So maybe there are 3 figures yet to be revealed? Possible unpainted Zag ?
Bwanaspoons just posted a Gargamel lucky bag for sale on his personal FB account if anyone follows him. I also just got confirmation this morning that my shipment's label has been printed. That's a step forward I suppose.
Bwana posted his bag on IG. There is a blank black mecha zag, and a few others we haven't seen. Multiple pics to click through:
Oh wow, that painted glow Bako is beautiful. Congratulations to all who scored 1. I also like that there’s a new mini mech to accompany Vendor Bot. Anyone know it’s name?