These sculpts are unbelievably nice. I wonder if they were re-sculpted from the keshi or if they were magically re-sized via supercomputers or something..
I think Mr. UO, like most the artists I met, is way too majime to do anything but start sculpting a new mold from the ground up.
Yeah that sounds right. It's just astonishing how similar they are to each other. When you met him did you have a chance to mention how many fans he has overseas? Seems like we've been getting a nice stream of releases from Lulu lately, which I couldn't be happier about.
I managed to score one of these Mishka X Cure Boogie Man blank figures that went up online for sale after NYCC was over with. The black and white marbling used on this figure is fantastic and its very gruesome even without any paint.
Thank you very much Schorsch! I love Cure toys quite a bit but its been quiet for some time now since anyone has posted anything here. And your magazine you showed is pretty fantastic as well.
Lots of good stuff happening with Cure at the moment. Feels like there have been a good few releases lately and there are more on the horizon. Just when I thought I was out....