Yeah, they posted on their twitter that winner emails went out already. There were a total of 78 entries for it. Sadly I was on the side with the 68 people who lost out on this beauty: image via lowbrownie
Fair play.... My luck with Lulu and Brainbugs isn't the best though...still, someone has said they may be able to help me. Keeping them very crossed. If y'all end up with spares mind, ask your boy by here!
thats the brain bug for me, I have 30 boogies and i need to sort out my not so favourites for my favourites
Gabe! If you're clearing house - first dibs please! The painted version reminds me of the x-ray Kaiju Taro Boogie - one of the first I found, so it's almost nostalgic.
I really love that Brainbug! Though, i gotta say, i'we had it with Cure - its almost impossible to get hold of the new releases.
Anyone still after the NYCC 2014 painted brainbug can get it from all-round good-guy Chillywilly153 for a mere $450! That's only just more than a 200% price hike! What a steal!
May be wishful thinking here, but does this latest Cure blog post seem to suggest a new toy in the works? God I hope so, then I begin to have an anxiety attack over the strain of trying to get one. The blurred out image looks kinda new, wouldn't you say? Can anyone read the Japanese to maybe shine some light upon it?
OK, so can we talk about how incredible this is now? Sometimes I get complacent and forget that Cure are still very consistent with releases and show no sign of stopping. I tell myself I'll be done after I complete the painted Mishka Boogie set, yeah...right! This one had me doing back-flips!
Whoa.. I didn't even make the Spawn connection until your post Ben. What a great release. Bummed I missed out tho
I have guessed that this must be a spawn tribute from the first sight. The cloak and color is obvious. Love this version very much.