maybe strange colors need to be divided amongst companies because a certain amount of vinyl has to be ordered and only a portion gets used by a maker..? like recently, tag, pk, mvh, and maxtoy all had fluorescent pink around the same time.[/ Depending on the vinyl maker there is a minimum amount of material the factory that's pulling the toys has to order. So if a big can is ordered by a factory it usually ends up getting used by a few different customers.
The OG head returns! No Gaijin devils permitted as per though.. Like the colours on this one so much. That metallic blue is a favourite.
Some wonderful toys from the SB Store Event Bingo, from the SB blog: I'd give my right arm for this print. Seriously, any Japanese member need a spare arm? It's yours, bro. Very possibly my favourite Boogie colourway ever. Blue and Pink 'til death. Looks like guts and bones too. MY FUCKING STARS! Trust them to derail my mini spooky completion even further, too. Also, return of the Suckfly!
That black/silver is nice. The blue is not doin it for me in pics but prob still awesome in hand that print tho! Uggh soo good. Have they done that illustrative style before with their other sculpts?
A Nijiya market by my place had tons of those Bikkuriman Lotte cookies with stickers in them for 50 cents each a few months ago... I picked up 5, and got 5 different stickers! The cookies were pretty damn good too. They were all gone the next time I went later that week, however. Not sure if they were trashed or someone bought ALL 1000+ of them. So sad I didn't get more. Back on topic, however, these stickers are wonderful. I like how some have foil, and others have different backgrounds, too.
The stickers and prints are stunning, I agree. I love seeing the Cure monsters rendered in that style and I wish Cure would try and flog some of this stuff to us more often. I've got no love for rarity: UO is a lot like Lucille Bluth sometimes - I reckon he gets off on withholding.
Both the bingo boogies are really nice, wished they were more available. But luckily cure make it up with a nice mto classic gid pumpkin boogie, i like it!
Brain Boogie Battle...