I was hoping to attend (and maybe even have a booth) but alas I will be out of town. Hopefully I will be able to see Dennis later in the week!
Yeah we were talking about this last night while Cory (Science Patrol) was doing an IG Live thing while working on wax. At this point I'm only a little concerned since we have a month but it's still in the back of my mind. It's gonna be a room filled with toy nerds and masks giving each other the hairy eyeball. I'll have a giant jug of hand sanitizer on my table.
Probably gonna inject Emergen - C straight into my veins via IV drip for the duration of the convention.
Mainline it into your eyeball like a real Emergenc-C head. Not a joke but, will there be less Chinese collectors at this show due to the virus? On one hand what a bummer for all those people, on the other, less flippers?
I work with a few toymakers from China, or have their vinyl pulled there. My list of toys available at my booth has dropped a bit due to this. Some are questionable if they will or won't happen. My guess is the same for people attending the event from overseas. I expect the event will be smaller than initially anticipated, both due to people not being able to attend and choosing not to.
Yeah definitely bunch of other makers with their pieces being made in China are being affected. Crazy I wouldn’t imagine a virus crossing over into our collecting sphere.
I follow the Starcraft 2 (video game) scene and a tournament in Katowice, Poland (IEM) had their on-site attendance license revoked by the local government during the actual tournament, forcing the tournament organizers to have to refund all the tickets and play for no audience, all over the coronavirus scare. Things are getting nuts...
All kidding aside, the best thing to watch is the daily updates at the CDC site for COVID-19. Wash your hands a lot, don't panic, and tell people who are saying racist shit about this outbreak to shut up. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html
I thought Mike Pence was now in charge of the whole virus issue, no government agent can say anything without him vetting it. What a joke. Even better joke I read is maybe if we tell him the virus is gay he might do something about it. Like pray it away or try to convert it?
a factory i am associated with in china has been delayed hard because of covid-19 and im assuming travel will be minimized for a lot of folks coming from overseas. but i didnt imagine them coming out in full effect to this show. im just looking for any type of event to soothe the pain of losing TAG shows monthly. it doesnt get easier
same on chinese factories being delayed- and one of my pals in china had to cancel her trip to LA for creature bazaar. sucks- a lot of my tattooer friends in china have had work and travel suspension as well. the world sucks ill be at creature bazaar, hopefully selling a thing or two- but mostly drinking a thing or two.
Yeah my friend Benny in Osaka and his crew were going to do a Taiwan tattoo convention in a few weeks but it's been cancelled. Lots of friends cancelling trips also because they don't want to potentially go through quarantine.
I disagree with this 100%. And this is NOT a slag against you TDH. I would NOT watch any United States government agency posts so long as this fucking shit hole joke of an administration is in power. If you want responsibility, pay attention to the W.H.O. instead. https://www.who.int/ Until shithead is out of office, I would avoid every post the US government has to offer. For fuck sake, did anyone listen to or watch that shit show of a press conference the Führer rambled on about!? Talk about fake news
Did someone say "gay virus"? They didn't do anything about that for years, so calling it gay probably wont help. I'm worried as I have vulnerable folk at home and do not want to jeopardize their health. I feel vulnerable myself to be honest, but this event features people I've known and collected for years, plus its about 3 miles from home, so yeah I'm excited. And yeah I'll be there ....with a mask with bells on it. Hardcore toy not dead.