So I stumbled on to this article before actually tripping over myself and subsequently free falling through this thread. I contacted Mile High a little while ago, essentially just asking basic questions regarding production capabilities and time frames. No response as of right now. I did just message 3P on the 'Book and they were quick to respond with: "...we are just now getting the building built. I don’t expect to have it up and running till November. We’ll be posting constantly as we go. Thanks for your interest." Needless to say, as a fledgling toy designer based on the east coast of the United States who's constantly seeking means of production, this whole development is extremely interesting and I look forward to seeing where it goes!
I'm still chatting with MHS at the moment. He's asked for a 3D scan of my sculpt as well as a resin copy so far. At this point I think it'd be less of a hassle to just send it straight to a factory
Does anyone remember the American outfit that pulled Plaseebo’s Molezilla? What happened to them? It has been done.
That was Bullshark out of Texas. The EPA shut them down. From what I was told, it was over them trying to make molds stateside. Which I can totally see why, the electroplating shit’s dangerous AF.
Chance posted a few photos of the site where they are building the factory, and it looks like they’re literally building it - from the foundation up. My question is: Is there a good reason to do this state-side? Is it a creative control thing? Everybody seems to be saying it would be more authentic to contract this with Japanese factories, for those who find that really important, and it seems like it would be cheaper to do it anywhere in Asia.
Mile High is showing off what they are calling a "production casting" and will be at Designer-Con: Chance Priest posted a status last week regarding the 3P facility:
I got to meet Paul Schiola at Designer-Con and handle his figures, they are impressive. Paul is very friendly and super enthusiastic about the project. He is already selling the Frankenstein figure and the Space Monster test shot is on display, it's very large and imposing (bottom figure in this pic): I'm really looking forward to seeing what he's going to do next.
So I looked up the Kickstarter and it was actually Veracious Vinyl, who seemed to also make a buff monster and kozik toy too in their brief run. I think bull shark was actually a few boardies in Florida who posted a few test pulls, but I don’t think they ever moved forward with manufacturing.
Some clear and blue test shots posted recently on Mile High's Instagram:
Right.. it's just strange to be building such a big structure from scratch for a venture before even attempting it on a smaller scale. But hey maybe they've all pooled some cash together and want to start off with everything in place... I saw a post about employee uniforms which left me baffled. I'm still bewildered how they obtained the chemicals and if it's an alternative mix, how this vinyl will last and affect other vinyl in people's collections over time sitting next to other toys.
I’ve honestly felt the same since he said he wants to, and if I remember correctly, will do it “better than Japan”. I chalk it up to typical American arrogance, but I personally haven’t been impressed by anything that’s been done here. Andrew Bell made a soft vinyl figure in the US, but it felt/smelled more like the consistency of a shower curtain. I admire the tenacity and ambition, and from what others who are aware of the dude, he seems pretty passionate. But it’s...just weird to me.
I interact with him and one of his 3P partners on FB and they seem like good people as far as i can tell. They're a little toy crazy and more obsessed with the scene than the average collector. Chance just seems like a guy who doesnt do anything by halves and is always spreading himself too thin, so the huge 'factory' was a surprise, but it does seem very much in line with his obsessive nature. He's just OTT with it all, pretty normal by his standards. Still, how they're actually going to produce sofubi 'better than Japan' like his ridiculous boast stated, remains to be seen. Time will tell, it will be interesting to see what results they achieve.
@The Moog Definitely seems like a “heart’s in the right place” kind of dude. And a good dude! Obsession and craziness are required to pull off something this big. I admittedly have *zero* knowledge of Chance or Mile High, so my inane opinion is pretty much derivative of what little this thread offers, and Chance’s claims and goals. I do think I am coming off as a bit attacky, which I certainly don’t mean, I’m just very unsure of where this is going from the information that’s given, or even why an American factory felt necessary.
Not at all dude. I was a bit dubious when i saw that huge purpose built building as well. There's been no mention of what equipment is going in there either. I think anyone is likely to be suspicious when an American with no previous experience with Sofubi manufacturing makes such a bold claim as he has. Like i say, it will be interesting to see them put their money where their mouth is, so to speak.