Horror Movies

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by ShadowSpectre, Sep 17, 2010.

  1. dannyvslc

    dannyvslc Addicted

    Finally got around to watching "ATTACK THE BLOCK" and it's not really a horror movie, but still extremely enjoyable. Scifi/comedy with a bit of horror.
  2. Autopsy

    Autopsy Line of Credit

    I just watched "The Visit" by M. Night Shyanmalan on an in-flight movie....never heard of it prior.

    I'm not usually a fan of his movies but this one kinda struck a nerve.........elderly people portrayed in horror films makes it extra creepy.
  3. Waterbear

    Waterbear Line of Credit

    Love that movie. I was surprised how much of it was practical effects. It looked really clean and smooth but most of the monster scenes were guys in fur suits on all fours running around. Lots of the jaw effects were old school hand puppets and robot effects as well.
  4. Lttr Prssd

    Lttr Prssd Comment King

    Continue to mine the offerings from Shudder, with varying degrees of success.

    --The Church. Humph. Got bored with this one since nothing really happens till about an hour in. Too much exposition and not enough action. Much prefer the Demons movies.

    --Intruder. From the folks who brought you Evil Dead. Interesting late '80s excursion into the stalk-and-slash genre. Unfortunate thing about Shudder is the movies aren't always HD, as is the case here. Also, this is not the director's cut of the film, which sucks since this is one of the earlier films Nicotero and his pals worked on. All of the gore/effects are cut from this version. :( Would be much better unedited. Not as wildly inventive as Raimi's work, but you can see his influence.

    --The Stuff. Had to stop about an hour in because, well, I got bored again. Also got really tired of Michael Moriarty's seriously awful acting in this one. Got to finish it up today, and it gets so much better once Garrett Morris shows up. Great effects once the shit hits the fan! "Here, let me set your face on fire to get the Stuff off!" Creepiest part may be the eyes on those Bloom brothers!

    --Maniac Cop. Bummed out by this one because the sound went out of sync about 20 minutes in, and then completely out after about an hour!! The film is in HD and looks great, but no bueno without the sound. Watched it anyway cuz it's awesome.

    Some interesting connections between these last three films. The Stuff is, of course, a Larry Cohen film, but I didn't realize he had written and produced MC as well. MC came out a year before Intruder, and has three actors in common, Bruce Campbell, Sam Raimi, and Dan Hicks.
  5. stonecutterjeff

    stonecutterjeff Fresh Meat

    Is shudder worth it? Every time I look at their list of movies it seems like most of them are on Netflix or Hulu already.
  6. Lttr Prssd

    Lttr Prssd Comment King

    I don't have Hulu, but a lot of what I found on Shudder isn't available on Netflix. And if it was on Amazon, it was a pay movie. So I figure if I watch two flicks a month through the subscription it's worth it.
    Here are some of the movies I've watched/found through the Shudder subscription:

    --Dead and Buried
    --Sleepaway Camp
    --Tourist Trap
    --Basket Case
    --The Stuff
    --Spider Baby
    --Demons 1 & 2
    --The Church
    --The Crazies (original)
    --Cannibal Holocaust
    --The Beyond
    --Maniac Cop
    --The Hills Have Eyes
    --The Toolbox Murders
    --Driller Killer
    --Shock Waves

    Latest one I watched was The Toolbox Murders. This one has it all, the washed up actor (Cameron Mitchell), nudity and gore, Will Marshall from Land of the Lost, Pamelyn Ferdin, bad acting, and a hackneyed script. Great stuff.
  7. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    The greatest genre film podcast what ever was, Mondo Movie, is back! Sort of...

    • Hey everyone.... so the news is that we have a new film podcast! It's called STREAMPUNK, and the first episode is live now, both on our site at http://www.streampunk.show and over on iTunes here - https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/str ... 1081990980

      It's basically a spiritual sequel to Mondo Movie - I think you'll find it's much the same in many ways (ie. us yakking about weird and wonderful cult, horror, exploitation and arthouse movies!), but with the emphasis on stuff that is accessible via the various streaming services out there.

      It's good to be back! I think we're going to rename this Facebook page in a few weeks, but we'll keep it as Mondo for a bit, so everyone can hopefully find out about the new show.

    Here's an excerpt from a little love letter I posted here back in '11:

    • Mondo Movie did a great job of bringing to attention a TON of really interesting cinema over the years, from the most extreme trash to the cream of arthouse oddities, and did so in a very intelligent and engaging way. The hosts covered lots of films I've known and loved for a long time, and hipped me to even more that I might never have known about if not for their efforts. The mix of coverage of current and upcoming genre film with comprehensive looks into it's history is unparalleled, as far as I'm concerned, and they did it all without a whiff of snootiness. Good stuff.

      It's on a seemingly permanent hiatus right now, but the full catalog of over 100 excellent shows is archived for free on their site.

    The old site seems to have been retired, but you can still get episodes 50-117 through PlayerFM and iTunes.

    Give Dan and Ben a listen, won't you?

    EDIT: I guess the boys are promising to do a weekly recording, with advance notice of the films that they will be covering. Gives us a chance to do the homework, ha! Next up, Goodnight Mommy, available on Amazon Prime, and Wild City, streaming on Netflix.
  8. Lttr Prssd

    Lttr Prssd Comment King

    Two words: Combat Shock.

    If you haven't seen it, do yourself a favor and watch it on Amazon for FREE!! (if you have Prime, that is). There are two versions, the original released by Troma, and the Director's Cut.

    This is one of the movies that I got turned onto by The Psychotronic Encyclopedia of Film, and took years for me to track down. Now I can make it appear on my TV with a few clicks of the remote! What a world!!

    I guess I'm making a stretch by putting it in the "horror" thread, but, well, there isn't a thread for "low-budget-Vietnam Vet-movies-inspired by-Taxi Driver-and-Eraserhead."

    Also watched Driller Killer. If I had known this was a paean to the No Wave scene I would have checked it out years ago! Really great sleazeball flick.
  9. xSuicide Squadx

    xSuicide Squadx Super Deformed

    Just saw The VVitch. Still not exactly sure how I feel about it. Definite creep factor, and I feel like there's a bit of subliminal villainy in it, but I'm also not very intuitive when it comes to movies and seeing past the literal. Hopefully someone else here sees it and can chime in a bit.
  10. Waterbear

    Waterbear Line of Credit

    Saw this today as well and I loved it. So creepy. Takes guts to not pull any punches like that. The slow burn, staying true to the manner of speaking from the period, the bleak tone from beginning to end and most of all the simply incredible score. It can be a little confusing because they didn't bother to explain any of the rituals but put in context with the location and time period it's obviously a nod to the salem trials looming in the future. Especially when you consider all the paranoia and how that was as dangerous as anything else in the film.
  11. xSuicide Squadx

    xSuicide Squadx Super Deformed

    Slow burn is the best way to describe this movie. And boy, does it burn good. The acting is hands down some of the best I've seen, and the cinematography is absolutely beautiful. I've had a day to kind of soak it in, and I'd like to go see it again.
  12. Waterbear

    Waterbear Line of Credit

    I hope to see it again as well. I went in knowing as little as possible but now after watching it I read up a bit and I'm even more impressed now. The fact they made such a beautiful film with amazing cinematography, setting and acting and for under 1 million dollars is incredible.
  13. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    Andrzej Żuławski is dead. Makes me sad.

    Discovered this tribute of sorts earlier today:

    Possession folded in with Phantasm.
    Massive Attack, Young Fathers - Voodoo In My Blood
  14. 3wing

    3wing Addicted

    Ive really had the urge to watch THE KEEP lately. Too bad Netflix took it down. All the neon lights smoke, and Tangerine Dream soundtrack make me happy.

    Recently watched Crimson Peak. I almost feel as though it were to Hitchcockian for my taste.
  15. Lttr Prssd

    Lttr Prssd Comment King

    Watched Shock Waves today. Fairly innocuous zombie flick. Another example of my brain confabulating it for another movie, just not sure which one.

    Really aching to see the original Dawn of the Dead, but seems like it isn't available anywhere to stream, and all hard copies are out of print. Haven't seen it in years, probably decades. Would also like to see Romero's Martin. Probably one of the best "vampire" movies ever, and one of his better movies for sure.
  16. dannyvslc

    dannyvslc Addicted

    Fun one you can stream right now is "Ravenous". Kind of not horror, but kind of is. I found it enjoyable.
  17. Lttr Prssd

    Lttr Prssd Comment King

    Watched it a couple weeks back, after watching Bone Tomahawk. 'Twas fairly grim, but interesting nonetheless.
  18. Count

    Count Post Pimp

    Lttr Prssd you've probably seen Deadbeat at Dawn and Street Trash right? probably up your alley if you like stuff like combat shock. Van Bebber's Manson Family might be of your interest to.
  19. Lttr Prssd

    Lttr Prssd Comment King

    I have NOT seen those, but want to. :) Street Trash I know about, but I'm gonna have to check out the other two. Thanks for the heads-up!!
  20. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    Great recommendations, Count!

    You're going to love Jim Van Bebber, Mark. His films are cheap and brutal in the best ways. I was a bit late to the party with Street Trash, having missed its many years as a VHS staple, only first getting a look when it screened here in 2005. I immediately became a fan for life; it's easily the best film Troma never made.

    I finally sat down with Goodnight Mother a couple of days ago. It was absolutely gorgeous to look at, and really managed to get under my skin. I liked very much that the first half was told as if from the perspective and perceptions of the children, shifting to an almost documentary feel as the story developed, never losing hold of the air of tension and disquiet that was built before. Some may disagree, but I felt the twist aspect to it was far from the point of the film- or at least was never intended to be a surprise - as the filmakers all but spelled it out in the initial minutes, leaving the viewer to marvel at how the conceit is portrayed throughout.

    Anyway, if you haven't seen it (but plan to): avoid the trailer, and try not to let your suspicions color your view of the work as a whole.
  21. Lttr Prssd

    Lttr Prssd Comment King

    I think someone mentioned Pieces a little bit back, so I wanted to note that it's available through Amazon Prime right now. And of course I watched it today, and of course ho-lee shit! This could be a new fave. So bad it's good? Yup! Washed up actors? Yup (times two, and they're MARRIED TO EACH OTHER), Bluto from Popeye? Yup! Full frontal? Male and Female? Yup, Yup and Yup! Random kung fu scene? Yessirree. Not to mention the great low-budget effects AND an ending to rival Sleepaway Camp's.
  22. Lttr Prssd

    Lttr Prssd Comment King

    Why oh why do I continue to watch found footage clap-trap?? Watched the completely pointless Devil's Due a few weeks ago. Basically a poor-man's Rosemary's Baby. Nothing redeemable.
    Also gave The Gallows a try. Only reason I sat through this one is that some of it was filmed in my home-town. Total crap.
    Neither of these movies had a second of real tension or an ounce of terror. Blerg.

    Are there any good FF movies? I'm trying to think if I've seen one that didn't eventually drive me crazy. I have never seen any of the Paranormal Activity thingies, so if any are decent let me know.

    Anybody watched the Cabin Fever remake? I'm curious. I've read that it's the exact same script, just different deaths. Seems so pointless.
  23. Count

    Count Post Pimp

    The Cabin Fever remake was missing all of the style that made the first one at all interesting, totally pointless.

    the Paranormal movies all suck, but I keep watching them anyways. Maybe not straight up horror movies but I think Henry portrait of a serial killer and man Bites dog were some really good "found footage" style movies.
  24. Waterbear

    Waterbear Line of Credit

    VHS part 1 and 2 are great found footage movies. Nightlight was lots of fun too and it is found footage with a bit of a twist.

    The Cabin Fever remake was trash. Only cool part was the small amount of insane gore but that didn't make it worth watching at all.
  25. Lttr Prssd

    Lttr Prssd Comment King

    I did like VHS 1 and 2, VHS Viral was poopoo.
    Gosh, I haven't watched Henry in years. Don't know if I could stomach it anymore. That home invasion scene has left an indelible mark on my brain.
    I'll wait for the Cabin Fever redux to be available for free to give it a whirl. I do like me some insane gore.

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