Did it have anything to do with the demise of release day get-togethers and Alex covering the Saturday shift . . . just speculation, but BIDC scaring the customers isn't beyond the realms of possibility! Just sayin' . . .
Alex, this is not a court room, but Brian has leveled some serious charges against Zollmen. If Zollmen is a local, then they should "come out" and address this. Failing to do so indicates that Brian hit the target square. I think all the collectors interested in Zollmen would like to hear some reply to this. Plus, it is natural that if Zollmen is a local creator that boardmembers would like to know who it is. So, tell us, who is Zollmen?
flynn f-ing threadjacked this shit! all in an effort to avoid the fact that he hasn't been at a saturday release since i moved to this fair city three years ago. i'm talking pre-baby times too. despicable really. well, maybe he was at a couple of them....
IM taking a wild shot in the dark at both the questions raised here Zolleman, zollyman, zolimen or whatever , if he is a local ( SF) I think I may know who may have the connects to pull it off, but if I said their name it would be liable and I could be sued, maybe.I think they are royalty of some sort. As to why no more release day fun, its because I left the bay area and am no longer in BARTing distance from S7.
we can now lock the thread! really.... what's the definition of "release days"? (well whatever they are, i probably went to 5% of them). i thought mongolion was a big release day.
There weer a decent amount of regulars in and out on mongolion day! No one brough Josh and I a "were just friends" on dutch crunch though
damnit. I should have gone to Ike's for lunch today. still haven't been there. will try tomorrow.. instead, I went to "Food, Inc" which makes the best turkey club panini in the city. (and not thaaaat far from S7).