Nice new Goji Alebrije! That's a much darker vinyl compared to your other one. I picked something up that I've never seen before. It's an original vintage Bullmark Mothra with silver/white (with hints of flesh) spray on the wings rather than the typical purple spray. It's has the vintage smell, I did a wipe test and the color doesn't come off, so nobody repainted it. I know sun damage can affect paint, but the other colors appear completely normal and unaffected. Anyone know anything on this paint variant?
Thank you and great score in that Monthra! It’s posible that bullmark made a Hawaiian version Mothra? Can you share some photos of your metallic green back Goji? Enjoy your moths!
@AWMGodzilla62 I think the red paint has almost completely faded away. The metallic red paint is notorious for fading. It was usually sprayed over silver and for some reason is prone to fading. You see it quite often on Hawaii spray toys. The "flesh" color (I have never seen "flesh" spray) is where the red has not completely disappeared. I think, if you look at your other Mothra, you will see the silver underspray sticking out around some of the edges. Odd that it faded evenly on both sides, but I also think some sort of chemical reaction was going on w/ the red paint allowing it to fade more rapidly.
I know what you are saying with the metallic red being prone to fading, Bullmark Hawaiian Megalon being most notorious, but I personally at least have never seen it go to flesh. With Megalon it seems to go to very light pink But perhaps with the base coat underneath, the chemical reaction could have caused it to fade differently. Speaking of, another theory i've heard from other collectors is this being a base primer and it was never covered with the red at all. Regardless of the origin, it's something different and I like it. Sure! I took some comparison photos by a blue Fin Goji as well.
@AWMGodzilla62 Thank you for the comparison photos, my light blue Goji has the same metallic green spray in the fins. I commented to Brian about the metallic green color of the back but he is very skeptical about it, for that I am glad that yours has the same metallic green color, so there are already two and it is more likely that we are talking about a back spray Goji variant. Here I leave a comparison photo between yours and mine...
Wowsers! Some wonderful adoptions lately. Thank you AWMGodzilla62 and Roger for posting the Goji photos. Always love seeing comparisons! And, those moths are so cute! Great closeups too! The detail showing the little leggies are so cute!
This was my other thought and it makes sense as I've seen many faded reds like that Megaro but never on a Mothra. That paint seems to be very stable. It certainly is different. Nice pick-up!
Yeah, pretty cool to see another version, regardless of the cause/source. I dig it! BTW, does anyone have an actual photo of a Hawaiian version Mothra? I've heard of them but never seen one. Curious how it differs from the standard version.
Just through the post box, my very first non mini Bullmark, Standard scale Invalar! Very much towering above the rest of my collection. Sorry to butt in on the Mothra chat.
Wonderful invalar Dave.. very good shape, I have owned a few and can say it's difficult to get one that has a clean beak and head, usually they are worn from endless attacks! Oh and great mothra variant @AWMGodzilla62
Speaking of beak damage, this Marusan Gojira looks to have fought many an epic battle: I will be updating the Green Godzilla thread with some additional photos of this one. @Alebrije - I believe I also found another example of the metallic-green spine color on a Bullmark goji. It's currently covered in dirt and heavily damaged, but the colors seem to match. I will post a photo after I get it cleaned up!
@deafmetal Many congratulations for this major score Mark, it’s the true grail of the Gojis, It's one of those pieces that I could be admiring for hours and days. Mark how well you could find another Goji with a metallic green back, I think we are now talking about another variant. Enjoy a lot this new green member
@djkemp That Invalar is very nice. Since you favor minis, here are a few: The green is a Bullmark and the other two are Takatoku. There are also examples by Tsuburaya Enterprises (EP).
@Mark K - Loving the mini Invalars, will have to keep my eye out for some Takatoku minis in the future, just stumbled across the Nitto Gamera minis as well, the want list seems to grow bigger by the day!
"" I got this Takatoku Rabbit Panda Baby rider/ toybox a few weeks ago. It was missing most of the stickers but overall a terribly rare piece and one of the few I needed for my fleet of Rabbit Panda cars All the specimens that have appeared have been missing most stickers, the one i got included the front windshield. My Girlfriend Melissa was able to reconstruct them using photo references (which were also very hard to find, and all at weird angles and low resolution) and the existing front windshield in Illustrator. Maybe a few slight revisions but it's nice to see it in it's original glory. The red horn under the steering wheel still happily beeps! ""
@Paulkaiju Wow- that is some cool design right there, and its great you could restore it faithfully. Adobe illustrator is very useful, i use it more than photoshop nowadays. It makes me smile that you have a fleet of cars like this, i used to have a few plastic scoot-about vehicles when I was a little kid, so I get very nostalgic when I see them. The one i recall the best was a little plastic milk float, with a blue steering wheel and all the milk bottles sculpted nicely down the sides. Literally hours of fun. I graduated to a Space Hopper, when it was time I've been very jealous when I've seen photos of the Kaiju cars (Like the one Yutaka Taguchi is hugging in the Super7 mook). Do you have any of the Kaiju ones?
@Paulkaiju Thats amazing! Super impressed that you guys restored the stickers. that must have taken some serious work. I remember drooling over the eleking ride on years ago at mandarake. Just in case people arent familiar with the rabbit panda its the car the ZAT team uses in Ultraman taro
@Johnny Black - very cool. Im a fan of the blow molded knock offs. You should post them in this thread currently collecting dust
@Johnny Black Glad to see someone finally snagged Aldo's Giant Sized Silver Mask. I debated for weeks on that one. Was an absolute vintage steal. Great pick ups all around and nice photo. The Sokko Giant Robot blow mold car is really cool!
@Lixx thats actually a different Silver Mask this one is s Blow Mold not sofubi but I did get the Giant removable mask one from him!!