The same shit just happened to me on eBay this week with an old UNKL Brand HazMapo... somebody wrote the seller and scored him behind the scenes... so sad to cause' I really wanted to win that little fella'... dammit...!!! next round I suppose I will have to write the seller with my price and see what happens, I have done this before and convinced a buyer to end an auction early. sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do in order to obtain the goods these days...!!! it's a cruel world sometimes...
Very true. I'm sure Miami will do the right thing though since he'd never take advantage of others allowing their hands to be tied only to snake the lot of us. In general it sucks to back off then be sandbagged but its important to learn from stuff like this as well and Miami's mistake was easy to make and is just as easily set right.
It's so difficult as a community at times to look out for one another especially when certain people want the same thing and there are only one of them to go around... it would be so great if Blobpus did an artist subscription where we as the most passionate collectors of his Dokugans or Blobs or whatever could rest assure on scoring the next wave of releases without any fear of missing a beat... in a perfect world...
No disrespect intended, but would you really want everything that Blobpus releases? In my opinion there was an unfortunate glut of kaijin and minis during the past year, the color schemes of some of which were not so strong. I don't know of anyone who is into all Blobpus releases. Most fans find at least one figure to not collect, and numerous colorways that don't appeal. Maybe I misunderstood the concept. Some sort of subscription would probably be very popular.
I hear what you are saying for sure xocon... Yeah' I just meant for the subs to cater more towards a specific piece like just the Dokugans or just the Blobs depending on which sculpt or piece is your favorite... my bad with the mislead there... I mean really, how many super freaking hardcore Dokugan collectors are out there...? more than 100...? should we start a list...?
If we did start a list wouldn't those who respect the list be hamstringed by those who don't? A list seems like it would be a huge disadvantage atm and the last list was reportedly a trainwreck.
I'm sort of half joking about the list, just trying to compare the number of hardcore fans to the amount of subs that would actually be needed to fulfill the wants or desires of those who truly love a certain figure or sculpt and would be willing to pay for that type of arrangement... All I'm saying is that I would sign up in a heartbeat for a Dokugan subscription...!!!
thats ok, it happens, but as some fade away, new ones show up my collection is coming together, but these things are pretty hard to track down. i currently have atomized nycc pink toxic the 2 tokyo cube gid waiting on the emerald blood to arrive waiting on a chinese new year to ship from boardie and another i forget about
it will be hard to top pauls dokugun collection as you can see in the blobpus thread never did see clays collection but knew he had some diesel pieces
Paul & Clay def have the two of the biggest Dokugan collections that I know of... would love to see some pix if anybody out there has a shot of all the production pieces sitting together... calling Krudler...
I'm not nowhere near hardcore complete (not really trying to be, either, I guess) but I just added a new Dokugan to the family last week. The Poison Moth God is just as impressive in person as I had imagined!
My favorite is still the 777 ( not including my HP cyclopus of course! ) Clear DX with painted guts is a big winner aswell!