soon as i get a chance i'll be adding THE LIST: Blobpus Docross & Mini Docross plus Blobpus Kaijin Dokugan & Kaijin Docross
I really like the paper gut toys a lot...!!! especially the newer Damnedrons by Max Toy Co. the clear Blobpus with insert totally rocks but I must resist... focus... bank account... debt...
I already had the GID on the left so the purple GID and the New Years were the lastest additions to the family... a very stand up guy on the KR message board hooked it up... just sad they are not MIB cause I have all the others in mint condition that way... still very happy regardless...!!! Also scored me a MIB Blue Blood finally...!!! Picked up an extra Blue Blood as well... not sure if he's MIB yet cause' he's still in route to my house. So yeah, now I have two of them... could not resist with this colorway so nice...!!!
Well, make me 4. Or 5...since SAMBA's ahead of me! I have the Christmas-y one on the left in sumatra71's pic, but I'd trade it gladly for the frozen gid. In fact, there really oughtta be MORE gid standard-sized Blobpus', damnit.
See now its not the GID that does it for me- infact I dont even think I own any GID vinyl- its the metallic blue and purple that gets me hard.
Hey, ain't no shame in yo' game, sun. Me, I'm all gid except for a few vintage robot vinyls here and there. Damn...I really need to post some damn collection pics, huh?
I keep meaning to aswell- although it seems like every time I go to- theres somthing new on its way and I think oh Ill just wait till that arrives and then do it. And on and on it goes....
Sounds like a good time to bump this thread up to the top... let the battle for the clear green Dokugan commence...!!! On a side note I just want to say that I'm very sad to see this one disappear... good luck to everyone bidding...!!!
Well, I finally got a notice - The recent YJA green unpaint is coming to me after all. I'm quite surprised. When it and the Peach New Year's both arrive I'll be at the nice round number of twenty different production Doku, and I'll try for some pics. I am still missing the clear-pink and Frozen (and playdoh has both of those already), so if anyone could bear to cut one of those loose, I'd pay top dollar (or trade top goodies - Not this green guy, though!)
Thats awesome, since this secret BIN was an awful mistake made prior to Playdoh's request you're now in a position to do the right thing. Shocking turn of events here.
Luck has nothing to do with secret BINs. I could have placed one too but didn't. Dog eat dog world though so more fool me...