augh! i want that too. it was on yahoo recently? damn! been trying to stay offa there and look waht i missed. how many? any idea? any other secret releases you wanna drop? in the interest of maintaining a complete list?
Cool! I'm somewhat closer to completion than I thought. I have 12, so I'm only missing 6? I think I'm only missing these - ("only" - Ha!) Peach Glitter/NY both Mandarake blues Silver plated Frozen GID blue/purple Clear-green So are there also Toxic Pink and Gold-plated versions of which we do not have pics posted yet? Or is the '777' aka the Toxic Pink? Most of my missing ones have been on my 'Wanted' list since May, but I've had no nibbles yet. The Toxic CG is a beauty, I was glad I found that one. CC
Miami, sorry to disappoint you but by my count there are 23 doks...if you only have 12 you are missing a whole lot more than 6, add 5 more.
That's not wholly a disappointment - more fun stuff to hunt! Now that you mention it, I do remember pre-ordering the 'Toxic P' Doku from S7, but I don't remember what it looked like. So, with that and the Halloween one already coming, I'll be at 14 with 9 to go. I imagine I'll be able to find a Frozen at some point, but I've never seen either of those Mandarake blues or any of the metallics FS. What are the edition sizes for these anyway? So, what pics are still missing from the OP? Gold-metallic (?) Copper-metallic (?) Toxic Pink (?) Pumpkin Guts (?) and one more? CC
Paul posted the Gold pic I sent him, but I've never seen one in the wild. I remember they made Blobpus in all three metallics and I thought I'd seen a pic somewhere of the three metallic Dokus together. Could be just my 'magination though, runnin' away with me. CC
woo hoo...!!! just picked up a Toxic Pink Doku from Knunt... looks like he's got an extra one... jump...!!!
yeah, but what was the price on that sucker? like $500? too much if you ask me. gonna update the list soon. got some pics from other people and i will have the two blues and toxic pink in hand by then too
$500 is pretty steep indeed... picked up the toxic pink recently.. just wish I had a way to obtain the two blues...
I got both of the matching Kaijin's from that show. I'm really curious where the others from that herd wound up.
Yeah, I actually had this in my cart for a few minutes, but finally decided I just did not love this particular paint $500 worth, even if it is by Blobpus. Once I released it. it still sat on line almost another hour before it sold. CC
I could have gone there as well but could not afford to go there... I'm sure whoever picked this up is loving it...
hmmm... that's weird, must be when I'm at work the images don't show up for some reason...? loading just fine at home... cool...!!! I had to snatch up that 777 Balance for the ouch price over at Knunt wish I had a friend on the inside that could get me a better price on these damn things... oh' well at least I got one...
I've seen only one of the 777s go on Ebay and it went for more than you paid. There are only 30 (its a numbered release) so they don't pop up too often. Its an impressive Dokugan the innards are a prismatic ball and the paints very well done.
wow... that's freekin' awesome...!!! I did not realize how limited these were... thanks for the info...!!!