^^ Ha, Agreed! With ALL of this actually. Great Thread Can't wait to see more. Oh, nice robocop back-at-cha, Geekabilly!
I like this pachi poly Mirrorman for the pea green gun metal base + little painted accents. Plus the blow hole is on the top of the head, so he's like a little bootleg...grey whale dude....thingee. At Mister Donut, where they now serve Calpis flavored donuts.
I just took a comparison with a couple of other blowmolded mirrormen, I thought he was the same sculpt as the right side one but they are a quite different ...
I always figured it was because the heroes they were ripping off were mostly silver/grey. Also paint wont really stick to this kind of material so they had to pick one color.
Not to be that guy, but no, I wouldn't say that he does. I think the idea was to keep the thread dedicated to these very specific type of polypropylene bootleg figures. It's fine, just like to nip it in the bud before we get a flood of these. You are welcome to post him again in other threads, but it is also a stretch to qualify Dyna as vintage. My two cents anyways.
The Silver Kamen is a really cool poly figure (there were a few different water holders/floaters made), but I believe it's licensed.
Oh yeah , that captain scarlet is really cool looking. Stands out from the crowd for sure (had no idea who he was ten minutes ago ).
Captain Scarlet's a really fun show...that and Thunderbirds are favorites of mine! You should check 'em out.
Ahhh the proverbial lightbulb just clicked on in my head! When I use to DJ I would spin this old track out sometimes called Captain Scarlet- Attack of the Mysterons. Super old rave track, anyhow all the samples are from Captain Scarlet- "This is a cloudbase alert!"
he's about 35cms. Here's a nice flying KR and this guys been posted already but the big but ultraman wrestler has to be posted again!
^ Still remains one of the best bootlegs. I manage to buy one once off the 'bay a couple years ago but the seller ripped me off and never sent it = .