sent them an email.. I was thinking more along on the lines of being available in the s7 webstore. ah well will just have to wait and see
80%? Ouch. Losing massive amounts of interest in the new mook. Though I am interested in how James Lavelle fits into it.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO no purple text. so stupid...if you can't figure it out I feel sorry for you. it's fucking annoying. I'm readying the ban hammer
It's not that far fetched. Itokin is very popular. 80% would be overwhelming, but given that there is already a lot of knowledge regarding Gargamel and Biskup it's feasible that the mook would center around new info on a new company.
At the rate we see Ghost ice-cream cones and candies, It would'nt had surprised me that much... But for me anyway !
you're next.... I don't know why it's annoying me as much as it is, especially seeing as half of the board uses "your" when they should be using "you're", but honestly..I've been here what..4 years now? Never needed before...a furthering of the dumbing down of the world. Give me a break. It's sad if you can't figure it out. unfortunately, I'm not allowed to ban people for being stupid.
I keep forgetting about another mook..I need to send super7 an updated address...since I have moved 4 times since the last mook was released
No, the purple text thing is 100% stupid and it's completely reasonable to want to remove people who can't read in context. I just figured it was less painful to tell'em what they'd missed. Hopefully the purple text does not become a trend, because it's not clever. I'm looking forward to seeing the next Mook... I also recently realized that there are back issues I meant to pick up and never did, and now they're all gone from the store.
Dude, it's already been and gone as a trend years before you even knew Skullbrain existed . . . it may not be clever but poking Ed with a satirical sharp stick and confusing the noobs is kinda fun!
I'm not an OG Sb'er and def not a Fresh Meat and I didn't get the purple text thing (see Mogolion thread) until recently. It doesn't bother me tho (that's sweating the small stuff) but I do feel it's a bit over the top. Regarding the Mook. I had a feeling it was somehow going to be delayed. I miss the magazine format. I'll have to wait and listen to what other folks say about this edition before picking one up this time. "The Encyclopedia of Kaiju" that's coming out soon is def on my wish list though.
seriously ... i think i've also moved 4 times. it would at least still get sent to the correct half of the state without an update.
The moderators are going to implement a new program soon where we mark text that we think is sarcastic in purple if users don't do it themselves. I'm totally serious about this. Anyone see that Tokyo Underground is available for pre-order on Amazon? Issue 1 of the mook is there, too.
Very curious to see the Lavelle section - plus the world has been waiting for a new Gargamel checklist!