New Elegab sculpts!

Discussion in 'Japan Toys' started by Crab Rangoon, Feb 7, 2009.

  1. blakewest

    blakewest Post Pimp

    I really like how on Smog King (smokestacks) and Tonneran (cares) have those details that get painted to pop out of the surface of the figure. It helps communicate the sense of scale of the figure. It also makes it clear that the monster is composed of part of the human-built environment: our works are coming back to get us.
  2. plastichunter

    plastichunter Mini Boss


    "He shows up [uni] of the city roughly. The person garbage is full of unpleasant heat and the stress.
    He vomits "Man's dummy" from the mouth. The dummy disguises it as man.
    And, the city is roughly filled because of the [uwoyori] stress.
    The city will become "Panic" before long. Man turns into a mob."

  3. melek_taus

    melek_taus Mini Boss

    Holy shit that is crazy.

    I don't even know if it would be possible to recreate this in a sculpt... but I'd like to see them try.
    Maybe a slightly scarier face or different eyes.
  4. plasticXO

    plasticXO Comment King

    Dante's Inferno meets Kaiju !

    I agree with melek_taus on the face expression. It could be scarier.
  5. CopASquatToys

    CopASquatToys Comment King

  6. poorbadger

    poorbadger Toy Prince

    Hitogomira - Wow! That looks like it could be the best yet. Looking forward to seeing the sculpt & paint. I'd like some of those drawings - I think I might like the artwork even better than the figures. So much imagination in all the characters.
  7. nefasth

    nefasth Mini Boss

    Great drawing. I see it more for a mid size toy for some reason?
  8. plastichunter

    plastichunter Mini Boss

    He had some of his drawings for sale in a show a while back. I really wanted one but they were going for over 1k so I settled for the toy instead. :)
  9. Sanjeev

    Sanjeev Post Pimp

    Okay, that's friggin' nuts! I actually like how the face isn't as scary as it could be. Making it more serious would kinda go against the Elegab grain...

    It's kinda weird how the people-puke sorta separates and forms his legs...not sure if I like that so much. Mighta been cooler if it was just a little puke starting to spray out of his mouth...and there were people-puke "stains" on his chest (like, people trying to hold on and not fall off!).

    Eh...where's my bong..?
  10. BloodDrinker6969

    BloodDrinker6969 Die-Cast

    Damn, like PG-13 Cannibal Corpse cover, that's awesome!
  11. blakewest

    blakewest Post Pimp

    That would make a killer Halloween costume. If he does manage to pull this one off, I will eat my hat!
  12. jcrazy

    jcrazy Comment King

    would like to see this in video format.
    everybody always wonders how his sculpt compares to the painting and i think he always does a amazing job.
    so be prepared to salt and pepper that shit! haha
  13. shadowbooth

    shadowbooth Toy Prince

    wow thats crazy and would be amazing if he can sculpt all the lil people
    i actually like the face
    the people puke legs are the odd part to me lol
  14. Future_Man

    Future_Man Post Pimp

    These Elegab creatures are getting more and more gonzo! I love it!! Also, I agree that the not-so-scary face makes for the best fit. Retro.
  15. plasticXO

    plasticXO Comment King

    I guess Naris San always keeps the sculpting possibilities in mind. Making them "leak" on the legs might be a trick to keep the final toy design faithful to the drawing.
  16. Sanjeev

    Sanjeev Post Pimp

    True...and now that I've had more time to let the artwork sink in, I definitely can appreciate it more as Nari-san's "weirdness"! My suggestion of people-puke stains almost makes too much sense for his style! Oh, and the face has totally grown on my it.
  17. silent killer

    silent killer Line of Credit

    id love to see that come to life in vinyl.
  18. jcat

    jcat Comment King

  19. Mutonismyfriend

    Mutonismyfriend Die-Cast

    Great pics as always Jcat. Thats teh version I ordered - looking forward to checking my PO box this weekend.
  20. plasticXO

    plasticXO Comment King

    I got mine today too. Amazingly strange Kaiju. Great pic jcat !

    A little flyer included in the shipping box dates the next release (King Smog) for September.
  21. kurumonz

    kurumonz Side Dealer

    This I WANT!
  22. Future_Man

    Future_Man Post Pimp

    Maybe it's just me, but I can't shake the feeling that Elegab have nailed it with 3 killer sculpts in a row, yet the paint schemes are becoming entirely repetitive (e.g. constant use of red, blue, green). I hope they mix it up a little with the next release.
  23. jcat

    jcat Comment King

    thanks guys.
    i'm curious to see photos of the recent oil shock and brown tunneron figures from other members too!
  24. cliff

    cliff Addicted

    Oh boy GID oil shock is tempting, a little bit more on the credit card won't hurt right?
    People puking fella is awesome too, Nari is still the reigning king in my book.
    I remember seeing some drawings for sale in a show too, but they were wayyyy out of my price range; killer colored pencil work tho.
  25. D-.No

    D-.No Addicted

    just paid for my GID Oil Shock! Love the paint on the blue head, looking great.

    ..... it continues!

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