@Vombie I don't have it in front of me, but I don't recall it having the silver spray on the shell. The example in Cometdebris' archives also has a matte shell. It seems a little out of character for Gargamel to do a light spray across the back of the toy, since they usually have pretty tight paint work, but who knows? @nicholasfung Wow! I love the little backpack that comes with the Kappa Shonen... zombie skateboarder? The clear pink Kid Ace is also great. I'm excited to see the Sametan back in the bags... hoping for one in mine.
Hey I have a basic question for long time Cometdebreezers. From last years Suicide Prevention raffle, I picked out a nice Oni Kid. Well, James was very kind and threw in FIVE extra heads. What is the feeling about the blank heads? Are they extra special and supposed to stay blank? Would it be cool if I decided to paint them, or is the very thought vile and rank? I have a little project in mind that I think will be fun, but don't want to be that guy. Thanks!
Together like that, they look great I think. No adornment needed. But they’re yours to vandalise ;p, and who’s to say you won’t make them look great!
There are often extra heads included in the lucky bags so I don’t think they are rare - do what you want!
Generally speaking, every (un)lucky bag (that I have seen) has 2-3 extra heads included, so I think collectors of his stuff have plenty by now.
All the Halloween bags I've seen have been incredible. Really unique, darker/muted colors but still distinctly Koji.
No, I think it came out a few years back. The new head is the Kid Slime. Was the painted red a one-off?
No, the red painted was one of the four possible figures in all the bags this year. View this post on Instagram
Unlucky bag landed. Pulled a hyper lame Oni Kid. I also got a Tofu Kid in the same smoky vinyl as Kid Slime, and like how all three are in the same color family.
I had to reread this a couple of times because between the words unlucky and lame you'd think you weren't very happy! I like the subtle iridescent Tokyo color scheme on that Kid Slime.
i had my fingers crossed for a glowie, but this was nice all around. the custom kid has a cool "brisk spooky night" thing going. i dig it
I really like the low-key color scheme on that custom Kid Slime! Definitely giving some ghostly Halloween vibes.
My 2024 Unlucky Bag: I missed the red Kid Slime in the prior lucky bag, so this paint variant 1/1 was perfect. The clear grey Kid Slime reminds me of the standard size Crawling Hedo from the 2007 Gargamel Lucky Bag. Also, here is a better photo of the Chakaiju from my bag last year: This one still has a little too much light reflection on its head. Maybe I'll take another one next year.