Thanks to Paul , Unbox , Eckotyper & all the other artists whose creativity made Project Guano come to life ... Very happy with my Hellopike black version
I am.. I was told that it would ship on Monday, I would imagine that I'll have mine in another day or two.
I was told it shipped on the 7th, sent me a tracking number and everything. If I search for it it says it left HK but no record of in any where after that. I'm starting to get a little pissed.
Disregard everything I said. I thought you were talking about the Project Guano Mockbats... My bad, I live in Colorado. We have this crazy green medicine here that sometimes affects your ability to read properly..
Missed it again!!! But hopefully some good folks scored. Good luck all. Love the one hour lottos. Keep you on your toes. Great release pK
The website actually went down for a few seconds. Paul is pulling quite the crowds. Crossing my finger for this guy! It looks very nice.
As much as it hurt me to step away from this lottery and not enter, I must say that Paul is continuing to knock it out of the park with the dual-headed bat. I get a big kick out of re-imagining/remixing past horrors into new monstrosities!
i just received, ahem, an email re: “Poison Touch” Mockbat raffle info. all systems down? i'll just delude myself and pretend that's a winner notification...
Yes, my automated feed service sent out a very old post (from april last year!). We are currently migrating into a better subscription service. Sorry for the confusion!
Too bad. I have a Poison Touch Mini-Mockbat, so this would have been a good opportunity to get his older brother, although this is 1,000% wishful thinking on my part only.
I got the email & was hoping it was a first -of - its - kind , time traveling repeat lottery ! PK breaks the fabric of reality to bring us awesome toys ... again ...( )
Congrats to all Dual Bat winners! Wonderful first run release. Lookin' forward to photos once lucky ducks receive 'em!
Such a towering image. Great angle and shot. This paint app look phenomenal in photos, I can only imagine how breathtaking it is in person!
Spoiler Quick shot of the header in a spoiler cuz I didn't want to blow everyones wad who's waiting on a box...