Thanks JP! I'm still blown away by the all around beauty of the guy, couldn't put him down for the longest time haha.. I guess it goes to show that patience really does pay off sometimes. He's in my collection for the long haul thats for sure!
amazingly done. Unbox took the digital file and damn it came out so well. i was able to grab a yellow for my lakers shelves at my office, buthe hasnt even made it onto the shelf... ughhh any way i word this it sounds bad.. but i find myself playing with him once or twice a day
This has to be the hardest toy to come by. Im sure once I get to have one it will be well worth it. The offerings were great, congrats to everyone and to Paul for a great event as well. The little bats were beautiful. So much and so good, PK is definitely one of the best makers to collect.
Loved this one, those greens and reds/magenta are fantastic. I didn't get this one, but I did get the unpainted glitter. I was #10. Happy I got the chance to buy my first Mockbat and my first PK.
I just want to see what they do with the mini mockbats, but I'm very happy I got my first bat as a full size unpainted glitter, worked out fantastic for me.
i was lucky to get in both days... first day was QUICK... so i didnt stick around to see how that went... i was like 30ish in line for Sunday... but still came back around a few times even after... even though the crowd was big, Paul brought product. Many were able to score something!
Thanks to all who made it out for Desingnercon! It was a total blast and glad many people left with something and happy.Good times! Although the total chaos at Unbox booth, there will be plenty of mini Bats in the future. It's clear Dan got the message so please be nice to him! He's a great guy and I love working with him. Many standard Mockbats in exciting colors for 2016 year, as well as the Test shot reveal of DUALBAT is only a matter of a week, if not days away!
Thats awesome! Even though i don't own any of the Mockbat's i love seeing all the color combos you come out with. Its really amazing what you do with the toys.
Hells to the yes! Between the M.O.O.N. Goon news and this (not to mention all the Dcon-debuted sculpts), safe to say it's gonna be a crazy 2016
would it be ok if I post come pictures from D-con? mockbats in the Mockshock, and Boss Carrion in that section? just different angles, back, top?
Excellent pictures! I really like the shot of the top of the Mockbat's head. The red/glitter is really gorgeous. Thanks! Did you score something?
Thanks for sharing geopina. Also please accept this award for world's most polite n00b. If only all the n00bs behaved as nicely as you
So did Cevin Key from Skinny Puppy end up going home with that BIG blue "boss as fuck" Mock-Bat ?? I saw the online pic somewhere and was just curious.. I think it's super cool that he's addicted to toys and love seeing them play live.. one of the best industrial bands / avant garde musical acts of all time....!!!
OH' NICE....!!! So happy to see it went to a super cool board member, congrats Dago....!!! you lucky SOB haha' Thank you for the info Deb...!!!
^ Hahahaha sorry Dago I couldn't resist sharing that awesome pic. I think you and Cevin were the only two that Paul let touch the giant Mockbat. Maybe you'll own one someday if Paul ever does a production run. It could happen!