Another one crossed off the list and to be honest this version in hand is beautiful. One of my new favorite painted versions. And I received the original header with it, one that I have never personally seen before. I am starting to catalogue all of my headers I am missing a few but confident I can find them. I have added just headers to my want list as well in case any of you wonderful people don’t want them. Spoiler: And it glows!
That Summer Scorcher was a tough one to miss out on. Pretty simple but awesome version, and the orange glitter looks super nice.
I consider this to be something of a burnt flesh marble, though it most certainly does not smell as such. Even still, this is a GREAT pour, and I’m always fascinated with Dennis’ ability to get such intricate swirls in the pocket Kumon and Nekomata. Also, I love the way they’re packaged with having their own baggy stapled. Spoiler
@xSuicide Squadx amazin photos as always Robert! I don't think there is any Kumon that I don't like, I like them all But especially this one caught my attention, unfortunately I could not score one of this and as one member published in the other threat: it is very frustrating to see them in the Bay at exorbitant prices. Thank you very much for sharing these extraordinary photographs of your beauties and congratulations to the lucky winners.
View this post on Instagram I usually have mixed feelings about posting whole collection shots; they almost always turn out pretty special, but folks tend to label you as a show-off and/or get jealous. As I get older, I say- fuck em. My Kumon collection has been a labor of love for many years now. Dennis has never made a Kumon I didn’t like. EDIT: I am remiss in not thanking the board members who helped me to put this collection together. Looking at what’s visible in the photo, I can count at least 6 board members I had great interactions with while putting together this hoard. And many more for what is not in the photo. Spider prayer hands
So how do people feel about the big kumon? There are a LOT less of them but they also seem less popular. Is it just too big taking up too much shelf space and regulars fit anywhere?
I dig the large scale Kumon. I’m glad they aren’t just a larger version of the fight-size original. They have the look/feel of an M1 toy to me, which is always a good thing. It’s a very graceful sculpt. Plus, I’m a sucker for larger form factor toys, even though I ran out of space long ago.
@Michael Beverage I know that you have a genuine passion for Kumons for a long time and it shows in the effort and dedication that you have placed on your collection, thank you for sharing. @kid_miracleman I think that the appearance of space could definitely be a determinant for not seeing large collections of giant Kumon, personally because of the size it might not have more than two pieces of this Kumon scale. @zindabad I fully understand your point, as a regular-sized Kumon lover I had the expectation that this giant Kumon would be a replica of the regular Kumon but on a larger scale, I even questioned why Dennis wouldn't have used a scanner to use the regular size Kumon as a model and replicate it in a 3D printer so it could have saved some steps, but that is only my opinion as a lover of the regular size Kumon, now with the latest Giant H Yellow version I see things a little different and I understand the point of @Michael Beverage this giant Kumon has to be seen as a separate figure and not an extension of the regular size, with this last colorway that Dennis masterfully applied, immediately came to my mind the standard and giant King Ghidorah made by Bullmark in the 70’s, despite being the same character there is a marked difference between the two sculptures regardless of size and that also gives the pieces some charm.
That size I think can also help accentuate a paint job, like the last big run: The neon pink vinyl pops INSANE on this around the edges and I don't think you'd see it so pronounced on the mini.
Yeah, that's exactly what I thought when I first saw the large version. I've enjoyed the photos and seeing the evolution of a modern classic.
King kumon is most defiantly a whole other animal......or arachnid. Hewing only pics of these beast I can say that I anxiously await my First whenever that will be. I feel the original Kumon to me is timeless. It will never get old. And the king has that look that for me could be the same. Different texture. Different demeanor. I believe the kumon was sculpted to be and look as if it was an old time movie monster. Man inside the suit type and with King Kumon this really shows. Plus the out standing contrast between standard, King & micro will make for an amazing aesthetic next to one another on the shelf. With that being said my fingers are crossed on this new H painted set. Dennis is a master painter and creator. I do agree with @Michael Beverage in that the king looks like an M1 or already established vintage monster look. And another great character to the SHirahama legacy.
Not trying to derail talk of the large scale Kumon, but these are some of my favorite Kumon shots you’ve taken Robert. As much as I love colors that pop, I’m looking forward to Dennis doing more marbling like this as well. The newest earth tone Kumon tease on IG is fantastic.
@Michael Beverage Thank you, Lee! I do feel like this particular marble is in a wheelhouse of its own, and visually stands as such. This one was a lot of fun, and very gratifying to see after completion of shooting/editing. As far as the full size Kumon, I initially had mixed feelings because the textures were for streamlined and hair - like, and the skull proportions were just different enough to recognize, but not dislike. However, once I finally got to hold one in hand, which was only just this past July 3rd, I was completely floored. The scale is perfect. Eric has already mentioned it, but @chimmychazz brought up putting some fancy moon boots on the arachnid, and bam. Ultra Q villain, and I can totally see it. I currently only own one, and I am something along the lines of infatuated. I’d love to hunt down the Goji tribute to go alongside the original Kumon of the same vein. But this new yellow H release looks incredible and vibrant.
I think the way this sculpt is designed is almost made for marbling. Dennis' unique style makes every kumon so unique and crazy good. Honestly I went for the mini only in the last yellow H release because of space concerns. I feel over time people will grow to appreciate the larger kumon more. Dennis keeping them more limited I think will help drive the uniqueness vs. every kumon having a larger brother
I've had dreams about that earth marble sounds pretty nutty writing it out but it's just so good. One of my favourites that I've seen, for sure. Re: the big boy, I've not seen a toy from Dennis that I've actually disliked so far, and the thought of having one striking big guy surrounded by little siblings is definitely exciting. But with the size of it and the different sculpting style I want to bide my time and ideally see one in person first. Hopefully with Creature Bazaar next year and the faint possibility of Dennis sending toys to My Plastic Heart again, more of us will have the opportunity.
I’m guessing Siccaluna? I couldn’t find any info on the web. That’s a great question. I know Andy stated Siccaluna did the Nekomata....
You are correct. Same person who sculpted Neko. The micros were sculpted by the same person who sculpted the original Kumon.