I'm used to seeing a hundred new toys from new creators and generally ignoring them. Kentanworks new toy, Coco the Astrochimp, is well designed, super cute, and also affordable. All super rare in today's trends. I know the design won't be for everyone, but thought it deserves a place here. I can't wait for more versions, and would love to see him swap in other heads to make a space team.
kind of has some western vibes to me but maybe with some looser vintage inspired paint apps i could see it being a cool toy to own! for me at least
2nd release. I picked one up to check out the quality as the design is generally good but no prize for guessing where he gets his inspiration from
These clear and white/orange versions really do it for me. Better keep a tight fist around my wallet at Five Points
It kills me when people put all this work into making a really nice and clean concept and body and then finish the face off with a generic smiley face. Why? Just put a little more thought into the face.
@zindabad not into the glossy paint app (maybe its the lighting?) but I'm really into the Owangeboy behind Coco! Fun modern mascot vibe.
It's nicely done in person, very clean and cute. A friend hit me up asking for the orange right after I bought it, so he's getting that now. And the clear gold was always for my girlfriend. So it looks like I'll have to wait before finally picking one up for me