You can still go to the web site and see follower count. For example:
Could this singlehandely destroy a wave of hype collectors if it remains in place? Reminds me of the old proverb: “If a photo of an expensive toy is liked in a forest but no one is there to see it get liked, does it matter?”
Just curious. I have rarely seen ads or "sponsored" content on Instagram before, but starting yesterday, every 4th pic is now and ad. Some of them video. I use android. Is anyone else seeing this for the first time? Was I somehow getting away with not seeing ads for years? It really blows.
Plus the fuckers listen in on your conversations while the app is running and tailor advertisements to suit you. I'm not even joking. No tin foil hat here. Tested and experienced personally and this is well documented online. (At least this applies to the iPhone, unsure about Android).
Man it’s so real, I’ve had Hulu on ps4 do that. Our tv isn’t the smart kind, but the goddamn ps4 controller has some kind of mic on it. Put a piece of tape over it.
Hell, I get the targeted ads for shit like that all the time. I was talking to a friend of mine about how I haven’t listened to Killswitch Engage in forever. I open up my Google Music app a few days later and Killswitch was the first suggestion to listen to at the top. My buddy purposefully talked about wanting Arby’s into his phone, half serious but mostly bein’ goofy, and two days later he got Arby’s ads on Instagram.
Been on for less than a year now... it grew on me lol. I have 2 accounts, one for my art and random photography and the other for my new sofubi addiction lol. MyVinylVeins and Alanna_the_Hutt
A few days ago I was in target and saw a normal looking Asian teenage girl wearing a slip knot shirt. And I thought that’s odd, is slipknot now like an ironically cool image for teenagers. They were popular when I was in high school 20 years ago. I didn’t even say anything about slipknot out loud, but the next day I had a bunch of SlipKnot images in my discover feed. And I wondered if they were using some kind of geo targeting and image recognition tool. Or maybe SlipKnot is just popular again.
ha! i got pretty ill a few hours before my return flight, and their was talk of pedialyte. when i got off the plane and checked my phone the first ad i see on instagram was for pedialyte, and saw it for a whole week afterwards
A lot of this ad targeting isn't necessarily the result of social media apps, it could be basic components like your keyboard or SMS messenger. So, if you texted a friend to say that you saw a person in a Slipknot shirt, that "Slipknot" string probably got noticed by those apps and shared with others.
I didn’t text or talk to anyone though. I don’t know, it’s probably coincidental. Rather than phones are using camera lenses for image recognition and geo location to serve up interested content and ads. But it doesn’t seem Outside the scope of possibility. Because
I can it working in that manner, but every instance I’ve had with the ad targeting had nothing to do with any text or search.
I thought I was a music fan with “taste” but recently my mind has reverted to me wanting to listen to awful early nu-metal so can I now thankfully blame Instagram rather than admit I’m a poseur reliving my glory days through nostalgia glasses? This is the one time I’d be OK with targeted advertisements and brainwashing :/
@skaldavsatanssol I still unabashedly listen to a lot of nu - metal, with zero qualms or embarrassment behind the tunes. Slipknot’s first two Roadrunner efforts are very much in that library, and not even as nostalgia. I just love those albums, especially Corey’s lyrics in certain songs. Some bands are considered bad by most people’s standards, even my own sometimes. But I either love it, or it’s so bad it’s good. The same can be said for much of the black/death metal, hardcore and beatdown I listen to!
I appreciate your unabashed enjoyment for whatever you like. Perhaps I still carry baggage from my “true” metalhead stage in life. However, I find that those trying not to be a poser end up being the biggest ones of all ironically so yeah, it’s more true to just be yourself and enjoy anything without a thought towards your repercussional image. I listen to basically every major genre now and I think the general consensus of that has only improved these days with the online availability of music providing listeners with open minds. If I were to say one thing in defense of nu metal a la your aforementioned Slipknot albums and the Korn S/T - it is that the vocal performances and lyrics of those albums had a real sincerity to them which I find is kind of unmatched in a lot of the “fun” and “brutal” trappings of other metal subgenres. No wonder 12 year old me made a connection to artists who seemed to experience the same shit. Thanks nu-metal dudes. Regarding the topic, I’m finding IG demanding less of my attention. Too much of a good thing? I honestly believe since they changed the algorithm from being chronological it has become less enjoyable.
@skaldavsatanssol I grew up on such a bizarre myriad of music between family members, and was introduced into various different genres from grunge, to industrial, to nu - metal to everything I previously listened to through friends in grade school, and eventually the internet. I think exploring so much and being shown so much engrained a lot of in me to where I carry its importance to my upbringing, as well as my original appreciation for why I loved it to begin with. That’s not to say there isn’t some bands that when I listen to them now I don’t ask myself “what the fuck was I thinking?!” Dope and Adema immediately come to mind. The “true metalhead” mentality was something I did experience, though, where I strictly listened to black/death/gore metal for almost three years straight. I dislike a lot of those bands now, as well. And for the record, I think Life is Peachy is KoЯn’s masterpiece. Back onto the topic myself I’ve definitely chiseled my time on the ol’ IG down quite a bit. Not so much “too much of a good thing” as I just...don’t give it as much attention. I’ll respond to comments and messages as they come in if I have the time, but I barely watch anymore stories and I go through the feed only a few times a day. The algorithm definitely fucked it up, since there’s times I’ll see a post for the first time three days after it’s posted. But I’ve also grown INSANELY tired of things like the same stupid ass memes and posts being taken from sources and posted around like it’s everyone’s original “material”. Of course, I’m mostly a toy and cat posting anger ball, so who am I to complain?
So does anyone know who the new MVH crybaby is?
Probably briefcaseblues I'm guessing. He went ape shit a few weeks back, was "over it" and of course he comes back for more. You can file him in the same bucket as all the other psychos in this hobby who play it off how cool they are that they don't care but can never get over their grievances. He's going ape shit because he didn't get picked for some lottos while others did and all he's really doing is proving Rich right for not picking him. Dude dumped his mvh collection in secret auctions. If you're gonna quit an artist and dump your collection for flip that should be the end of it, but of course it never is I wonder if he realizes he's contradicting himself too: You're gonna say he is pro-Trump while also bitching he raised 18k for causes Trump hates? Huh?
What a whiny I FART A LOT. The world is falling apart but he didn’t get the toy he wanted so it really is the end of the world!
I offered to buy his BS3 painted Krawluss (which I regret not getting from the show instead of the blank yellow, which I still very much LOVE anyways)for almost retail, and after a week of waiting for confirmation, he sent me a DM saying “it’s mine”, only to seconds later delete that message, and then proceed to get me into a bidding war, THEN just cut me off from buying it altogether when I called shenanigans, and sold it to someone who was willing to pay way, way more. He offered the Tokyo KRAWLUSS from DCon as an apology?, but at that point it had all dissolved into awkward nonsense, so I just left the conversation. THEN I found out everything that was going on. And it all made a little more sense.