Probably stuck at customs, Barry usually gets them sent out pretty quickly so hopefully this week. I might see if I can scratch enough for another, there’s a good variety of bags this year.
It seems there's been some inconsistencies. I think I only heard the one case of missing micros and a few "extra" micros. Plus now there's been bags with zodiac and 2 bot and bags with zodiac and only 1 bot. Hard tellin' not knowin'
Wrong and also a pretty shitty thing to say. Some bags just better than others and this is the way it's always been.
True - but there has been at least one bag that got two pairs of identical micros. And a few bags completely missing micros. We aren't talking about Miboras or one-off paints here.. So I'm sure there were some mishaps somewhere along the line. That has never happened in bags previously.
It has happened 2 or 3 times each for missing micros/extra. Guessing they were a mistake and those bags were side by side as they threw in micros. With so many bags there is going to be a few mistakes. Hope anyone that is missing micros gets a set sent to them.
The implication here that Gargamel we're lazy / drunk when putting these bags together is what I have a real problem with.
Jokes aren't taken too well around this place these days... Just ask my pal Richie Boy about it I'm still going with the idea that some kids got put on bag duty and a couple slipped up. In no way a dis on Gargamel - just a discussion on what may have happened.
I have a couple of micros that came in my LB that need a good home. The first one to pm me that didn’t get them in their bag (and lives in the states) gets them!
this is fair. Whoever didn't get the above should send an email directly to Gargamel, I would do so If i was in that boat and I honestly feel bad for you if you found yourself short of toys.
Sorry I didn't find the joke funny, especially considering that Gargamel made a point of mentioning increased costs of production yet continuing to sell lucky bags at the same price they have for many years.
^ I guess i have a different definition of a fight and also a different definition of a joke. I've got nothing negative to say about anyone on this board and I'm genuinely curious how this comment and others (passed off as a joke) add anything to the conversation other than stirring up negativity towards a toy maker.
I don't drink, I don't encourage drinking, I thought it was a dumb thing to do ever since I was about 6 years old - if anybody should get offended by @DrilOne 's comment it would probably be someone like me. However I took no offense by it - and being pals with Gargamel I didn't arc up about it either. So what if they wanted to pass time having a few drinks while spending hours packing lucky bags? I would if I was so inclined - and hey, maybe a couple of micros got doubled up on and a couple of bags got missed. None of us are talking shit on Gargamel by bringing to light the possibility that some bags got missed this year. It was an innocent mistake to miss a bag or two while packing, drinking or no drinking.. who cares? It was a colourful comment made to get a chuckle by Dril. The whole thing was brought up to make other people aware that some LB buyers missed out on micros, so if you got double ups then be a good member of the sofvi scene and offer them to somebody who missed out.
I don't know why we are talking about views on drinking here. It's really just a matter of implying that Gargamel was negligent in packing the lucky bags. Nobody here can say for certain what happened but regardless I thought the joke was in poor taste and I was making a comment on that. I am no more enlightened as to why people would find that kind of comment funny so can we just get this thread back to the lovely toy photos please.