What this guy said. Really gorgeous shelves there, man. Incredible toys, and I just love the colour. Fun and happy to look at, what toys should be.
Recently got a bit of free time to get a bit of stuff out of storage and into this makeshift display. Nothing like pre-dad days, but it's nice to wake up to! Spoiler
@rattanicus so many fun toys, that glitter Yama and mini glow mephilas are right in my sweet spot though
What a wonderful sales post you've just made! If I'm not too late, please put me down for that Telesdon. PM scent!
On first pass, my brain went, "Wait...was that the poster for Mandy?" Then, upon further review, it realized, "No, but that shelf is Nicholas Cage-approved CRAZY cool"
Back in February, I was given access (and became slightly obsessed with) to a laser cutter in my office building. I've always wanted to design some custom shelf decor and got about 75% done when the pandemic put that to a screeching halt. The final piece was supposed to be a large jungle tree with some vines in the back, fingers crossed I'll be able to complete it later this year. Big thanks to @boon velvet for the opportunity to adopt the incredible Last Dinosaur which inspired the Jungle Island theme + colors!
View this post on Instagram Couple favorite shelves consisting of toys accumulated over the past few months. Many of which were thanks to a lot of skullbrainers. Thanks @ungawa222 @animator @Dpatterson2005 @Vombie @hellopike @Mark K @hellointerloper cometdebris, & maxtoyco + the occasional ebay account...
Dusting and rearranging some day soon but I've very much enjoyed this orange and green shelf. My two favorite colors of sofubi. View this post on Instagram
So much variety in that shot. Really nice collection! I’ve always wanted to organize with the different colors of the rainbow but I feel like a may need to collect a little longer to get the full effect.
He's from hyperstoic NYC last year! A really cool marble of orange and kinda clear dark green with red glitter throughout.
Gotcha. Thought it might be that one. That one can look orange or brown or green depending on the swirl.
I feel so complete with this shelf. I’ve managed to get nearly all my grails from T9G and now I feel I can focus on other artists and sculpts for a while. Spoiler
Thanks Phil It’s been honestly kinda hard. It’s gotten like getting gig tickets through ticketmaster, especially with quarantine.